657,678 - Charles Leclerc (NSFW)

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657: "I expect you to be up on your hands and knees when I return."

678: "I never thought I'd see the day where a racing driver asked my permission to marry my little girl."

When your boyfriend, Charles would usually do his training for the day, you would never normally get too bored, you keeping yourself occupied by watching TV and scrolling through your phone, but that was very different on this particular day when Charles had told you that he was doing an extra long training session before leaving, you quickly becoming restless and deciding that whilst Charles was at the gym, you would give your parents a visit, you knowing that since you were always travelling with Charles, you didn't get to do this nowhere near as much as you would have liked.

A short while later, you had arrived in their apartment building and just as you were pulling the door of their apartment open after knocking, you pressed your ear up against it once you had only opened it ajar because you swore you could hear Charles' voice coming from inside. After a moment, you thought that the muffled sounds were just in your imagination because of how much the extra time apart was making you miss him. However, just as you were finally about to make your way inside, you stopped dead, your feet remaining planted to the ground as you realised that it was indeed Charles inside your parent's apartment.

"-I'll repeat what I've already said once again: I will do everything I can to love and protect your daughter for the rest of our lives if you'll let me, so hopefully I've persuaded you enough for you to give me your permission to marry Y/N," said Charles hopefully, trying his best to limit the plea in his voice.

You may have arrived towards the end of the enormous speech he had given your parents, listing in detail all of the reasons why your parents should approve of your marriage, but you had heard all you needed to clap your hands tightly over your mouth in shock, this never being what you would have ever expected when simply intending to spend some time with your parents.

"I never thought I'd see the day where a racing driver asked my permission to marry my little girl, but I've known you for the past few years, Charles and I was actually hoping this day would come because I knew from early on in your relationship that you would be perfect for Y/N," your father replied warmly, but these words going straight over the top of your head because of how stunned you were, you considering this to come out of the blue.

However, that didn't mean that it wasn't a pleasant surprise, you suddenly barging open the door of the apartment and rushing over to Charles in the living room, crashing down beside him on the sofa, before you captured his lips in a passionate kiss.

"You want to marry me?" You asked in amazement, tears of joy beginning to well up in your eyes as you held Charles at arms length, whose mouth was hanging slightly agape because he didn't expect to see you at this time either.

"Y/N! I-" Charles began with chock, his heart beginning to pound against his chest more vigorously than it had all day, but a wide smile spreading across his lips when he realised just how much excitement there was in your voice. "Yes, I do want to marry you. I want nothing more. I haven't gotten the ring yet because I wanted to know if it was alright with your dad first, so I'll wait to officially propose for a little while longer."

Yourself and Charles didn't stay at your parents for much longer, both of you thinking the exact same thing and that being that there may not have been an official proposal yet, but that didn't stop you both from wanting to celebrate in a very pleasurable way.

"So, straight home then?" You asked him eagerly once you were in the car.

"Well, actually, I've still got my training to do. I said my session was going to be extra long because I was going to your parents' first, but when we get back, I'm all yours, my future Mrs. Leclerc," responded Charles flirtatiously, resting his hand briefly on your inner thigh, before it returned to the gearstick.

From that moment until Charles was finally finished in the gym, time dragged on whilst you were waiting for him, you sitting with your legs crossed and pressed tightly together as your eyes were constantly on your phone, waiting for Charles' usual phone call to say that he was on his way.

"I expect you to be up on your hands and knees when I return," Charles said to you with desperation when he finally did ring you, not bothering to say anything else because of how much he was rushing to get back to you.

You didn't hesitate to make your way up to your bedroom, taring your clothes away from your body, before you got up onto your bed on your hands and knees. You thought it would be impossible for you to feel any more hot and bothered, but you had proven yourself massively wrong once you laid eyes on your reflection in the mirror opposite you, you feeling a large amount of pressure building up in your lower stomach and knowing that you would have no choice but to take matters into your own hands.

Not wanting to orgasm before Charles had arrived, your movements were only gentle when you reached your hand down in between your legs, you starting off by lightly pinching the skin around the outside of your entrance. It was just as a finger had made its way through your folds and was forcefully pressing down on your clit, that Charles suddenly barged into your apartment, before sprinting upstairs.

"I see you started the fun without me," he said sternly in disapproval, already pulling his shirt over his head as he was making his way over to you from the doorway. "But since this is a celebration, you'll just have to wait until next time for your punishment."

As Charles spoke his final few words, he sat on the edge of the bed, leaning into your ear as he pulled down his trousers, Charles sucking tenderly on your earlobe once he had finished speaking as just as he was tossing his trousers onto the floor. Seconds later, he was fully undressed and was making his way behind you, you letting out a gasp of surprise as he aggressively thrusted into you for the first time, this being something which you were pleasantly surprised by because of how gentle he would normally be at the start, this new side of him causing you to feel extremely hot and bothered because of how he was very rarely rough, or very rarely mentioned punishments. The moment Charles' aggressive thrusts began, he reached around to your front, taking one of your breasts in each of his hands as he began to roughly pinch your sensitive skin. Whilst he did, you threw your head back with pleasure, this giving him perfect access to your neck, which he buried his lips into the crook of. All of the additional pleasure which he was providing with had caused you to be on the verge of your orgasm within a matter of minutes, his fingers circulating your nipples as his lips were clenched around your collarbone, covering it in his marks. It came as no surprise that you were the first to reach your orgasm, Charles following a little while later after a few more movements, you letting out one final moan of his name as a large amount of his cum gushed inside of you.

"Y/N, did I hurt you? Was I too rough?" Charles asked you with worry as he pulled you down with him beneath the covers, being unable to remember a time where things had been so intense in the bedroom. "I'm so sorry, I don't know what came over me. I had no idea that the thought of you with a ring on your finger was going to make me so turned on."

"You've got nothing to apologise for. That was by far our most enjoyable time yet," you responded lovingly, pressing a gentle peck to Charles' lips, before you snuggled your head into his chest.

Within a matter of seconds, your eyes were becoming droopy, Charles watching over you protectively as you drifted off into a deep sleep. As he did, he filled your ears with sweet nothings, promising you exactly what he did your father, that being that with you being the future Mrs. Leclerc, he was going to love and protect you for the rest of your lives.

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