685 - Esteban Ocon

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Requested by skoleeee

luminousmoonlight skoleeee

This was written just half way through the 2022 season

685: "I know my relationship with (other driver) has only recently ended, but you're so much more to me than just a rebound. I love you."  

Being linked to different driver academies and being in different driver friendship circles meant that your new boyfriend, Esteban and your ex, Alex barely knew each other, neither one of them ever going out of their way to talk to the other. They had never had anything against each other, just never giving the other much of a second thought, but that was until you became a regular figure in the paddock, you captivating Esteban's attention as soon as yourself and Alex went public with your relationship and Alex now wanting to make sure that you would be looked after since your relationship ended on good, mutual terms, meaning that he still wanted to look out for you. Your new relationship caused no bitter feelings for Alex, but it became clear on this particular evening, the evening of the FIA prize giving gala that the same could not be said for Esteban.

Yourself and Esteban were currently standing in front of a line of paparazzi, who were taking photos of you before you would enter the venue, the two of you being hand in hand with your fingers entwined. A broad smile spread across your lips because you couldn't wait to celebrate how much of an amazing second half to the 2022 season Esteban had. However, you soon noticed that the Alpine driver's expression was firm as he was glancing in your direction out of the corner of his eye, but you soon realising that his glare wasn't directed towards you. It was instead directed towards Alex, who was now a few metres away from you both, getting his own photo taken.

"You told me you couldn't care less when you're around Alex," you muttered under your breath, leaning into Esteban's ear. "Why are you looking in his direction like that?"

Before responding, Esteban then rushed to take your hand in his, saying that enough photos had been taken, before leading you into the venue, not wanting any of the press to hear what he was about to say and to begin to spread rumours about you.

"I didn't care about him in the slightest, but that was until I noticed the way he was looking at you," Esteban admitted gloomily once you were inside and he had pulled you over to the side in a quiet corner of the lobby of the building. "I noticed that he kept discretely glancing at you out of the corner of his eye and I'm thinking that's because of the dress you're wearing. I'll never forget how he would constantly be telling you how stunning you looked at the gala last year. I know how much he loves the sight of you in a gown."

A few giggles left your lips as you took Esteban's hands in yours, his jealous side being one which you had never seen before because he had managed to keep it to himself, but it being a side which you couldn't deny was adorable and proved to you just how much you meant to him, not that you needed him to be jealous for you to be well aware of how much he cared for you.

"What are you laughing at?" Asked Esteban with sadness, just as your lips were about to part to speak for yourself. "I know you two have managed to become friends and it's moments like what have just happened that make me worry that because of the history between you, you'll want to become more again. He's shown up here today alone, so I don't think he's ever been able to move on from you."

"I know my relationship with Alex has only recently ended, but you're so much more to me than just a rebound. I love you," you responded reassuringly, your final three words being some which just so easily left your lips in that moment.

Once they had, you dropped Esteban's hands, clapping your own tightly over your mouth as you realised what you had just said, those three magic words having never left your lips before since yourself and Esteban had only been together for a few months. However, you were letting out a long, loud sigh of relief seconds later at the sight of Esteban beaming at you.

"I love you too," he replied with affection, pressing a light peck to your lips, before taking your hand once more and leading you into the room of the ceremony, the two of you grinning from ear to ear as you were trying to find your seats.

As you descended the staircase which lead down towards the stage, Alex no longer seemed like a threat to Esteban since the two of you had just reached a major relationship milestone, Esteban feeling as though your relationship was stronger than ever and that nothing was going to break that, especially not Alex Albon.

F1,F2 and F3 One Shots Book 10 (REQUESTS CLOSED)Where stories live. Discover now