Chapter 5

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I was walking down the sidewalk. I couldn't sleep. This was a normal for me.

This time was different. I was grabbed. It was this girl and I. Even in the darkness of 2 AM, you could tell she had pale skin and long brown hair. She pulled out a gun.

"Why are you doing this?" I stuttered. "I've been paid. I'm sorry. This is the only way my family can survive." I felt sad for the girl. Had she already been paid? I wasn't really sure if I was immortal for sure.

"I'm sorry." She whispers again.

She pulled the trigger.

I stumble back, but no bullet wound.

"What?" A girl whispers. This girl was different. She was hovering over the girl who just attempted to kill me.

"Are you? Are you? Immortal?" I couldn't tell her. I can't. I ran. I found the safest spot there could be. I saw a figure approach me.

"Brie?" It was Straub. Why was he here? "What's up?"

I explained everything. From the girls to now.

He sighs. "Okay. Let's fix this."

"I'm sorry." I whisper.

"Every accident happens for a reason, but this wasn't a accident."

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