How will I be able to say no to those puppy eyes and cute faces?

"Of course I won't say no. It's better to go with you than get stuck here alone all day." Bas face lit up like a Christmas tree while hearing this.

"Great. Let me inform my dad that I will be going to the wedding so he can arrange the car for us." I don't know a lot about Bas family. All I know is that his family is like super duper rich. 

After talking to his dad for a while , which I couldn't hear what he was talking about since he was far away, he added some make-up on me and himself too. When he was sure I was looking perfect, we finally left for the venue.

I was missing P'Tae though. I hope he'll be back by the time I'll back from the wedding.

After driving for like half an hour we finally reached the said venue. The building was beautiful from outside itself, I wonder how beautiful it will be from inside.

When we got out of the car, instead of taking me inside from the main entrance, Bas took me inside from the backdoor saying that I needed to fix some things on my dress.

"It's a rich people party, you know.  You have to look perfect no matter what. These rich people pay a lot of attention to how a person is dressing, their hairstyle, their way of talking, standing and all that bullshit. It's so tiring I swear. But we both have to do it for the sake of my father." He gave me a cheeky smile, which was weird and started making me look perfect.

I rolled my eyes. No wonder everyone ran away. If coming to a rich people's party is like this then I would rather chill at home than be here.

"Great, you look like a prince." I don't know why but I had a feeling that Bas was about to cry, from happiness. Maybe he is usually like this in weddings, who knows.

"Shall we go now?" 

"No, stay here. I'll be back in five." After saying that, he locked me inside that room and ran away somewhere. This kid gives me creeps sometimes I swear.

With nothing else to do, I decided to take a few selfies of myself. I will show it to P'Tae later. I want him to see that I am worthy of him so that he won't leave me ever, no matter what. I know he has made it clear that he loves and adores me only but after that horrifying dream , I was having doubts about myself for not being good enough for P'Tae.

"I am back!! Sorry to lock you up like this. I just wanted to make sure you're safe and all. Okay, so… phew… oh Lord… I am getting so nervous… let's go." I chuckled at his behavior. He was literally looking super nervous as if he was the one who was getting married today.

Bas held my hand and led me somewhere. We stopped when we reached the giant doors. I can hear people murmuring behind the doors. And the hall was much more beautiful inside than it was from outside. Just like how I imagine it to be in my wedding.

"Oh boy. Here we are. I am getting nervous and happy. Oh God P'Tee." And he hugged me as tight as he could. 

Seriously, what's up with him?

"Sorry. I am an emotional person and I get nervous during weddings and all. Let's go." 

The doors were finally opened by two people. The room was so amazingly decorated. It looked like everyone was standing above the clouds with beautiful flowers scattered everywhere. It was just perfect.

I broke away from my trance when a nurse held my hand. I looked at the person who was holding my hand and was a bit shocked. "D-dad, why are you… ?"

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