Chapter - 24{Useless Demon}

Start from the beginning

Is it ok to reveal this important information?

They all already have guessed that Rimuru and Guy fought with one another in «Time Stop» but they aren't sure who stopped the time. So they were all listening earnestly hoping to find out some info.

"Eh? Rimuru-Sama is it fine to tell all the people about your skills."

Benimaru asked bewildered it is rare for Rimuru to reveal the information about his skills after all.

"Haa~ Don't worry. They all have only one Ultimat Skill or abilities comparable to an Ultimate Skill other than this Red Demon he also has more than two Ultimate Skill like me but don't worry about it he is just a Useless Demon"

Rimuru replied to Benimaru like it was nothing and everybody was already aware of this information but no they are not and as expected the room again entered the silent mode.

'This newbie is dangerously strong and analytical'

Just as Guy was about to reply to Rimuru, he continued.

"Ah! But there is an expectation, the Vampire maid over there didn't have an Ultimate Skill.

Oh! And don't add that bird and Carrion they aren't Awakened Demon Lords after all."

Luminus and Frey's eyes twitch as they heard the way Rimuru describe them but they didn't bring it up.

It is not worth making an enemy out of Rimuru just for a trivial name.

But not all of them were thinking the same thing as a thick mark appeared on the certain demon head.

"You little– do you want to die"

Guy said while greeting his teeth 'Useless Demon' not even Velzard has called him useless this many times in more than 2000 years.

"Heh! Saying the one who wasn't even able to heal his wound— "

Rimuru stopped as he saw that his wound was slowly fading out.

"Oh it took you a full one minute just to heal your wounds"

He didn't let go of a single chance to mock him. He was in a bad mood because of Velzard and for Rimuru roasting and insulting others is the best to fix his mood.

"What kind of energy do you use—"

But before Guy can ask any further Misery arrived with Clayman and Milim.

'Ciel-San analysis Milim at full speed.'

Without any delay Rimuru ordered Ciel-San. The main reason why he came here was her after all.

<<Confirmed. The analysis has been started

Notice. No curse was found, and her mental health is also stable>>

'She is just playing controlled'


Rimuru's eyes turn dark as he heard Ciel-San reply. She destroyed the whole 'Animal Kingdom just to play controlled.

Rimuru's mood dropped again and now he is going to humiliate Clayman before he kills him.

'Sigh. What do I do with this troublesome girl?'

Milim, Clayman, and Misery looked surprised as they enter the room because the room is not in great condition

"What happened here"

Clayman asked confused as his eyes wandered around the whole room.

"Nothing you should worry about, just a little exchange of pointers"

Guy relied on him with a huge smile. He looked at Rimuru with an amused face.

"Oh! It's that so... Well sorry to arrive late."

Clayman apologized in front of everyone just for a show of course.

"As host of this Walpurgis, I hereby declared that the..."

And with that Clayman didn't stop all the Demon Lords are looking at him in pity but of course, he didn't realize it.

"... This slime is it didn't even utter a word since I started it is clear that he conspires against us Demon Lords."

And that was the limit of Rimuru as he looked at Clayman with his intense gaze, penetrating his very soul.

"My silence doesn't mean I agree with you,  It means your level of stupidity left me speechless."

The blunt and cold reply from Rimuru left Clayman speechless and all others are trying very hard not to laugh.

Clayman was furious beyond words but didn't dare to make a move against Rimuru.

"You little slime as proof I have..."

With that Clayman again started to spout nonsense. Rimuru is a patient person but he is not in a very good mood because of Velzard and Guy he already has enough for a day.

"Hey, are you trying to kill me with your boring speech? If yes! Then good job, I nearly faint a while ago I just woke up"

Rimuru said as he looked at Clayman with his cold eyes. All the Demon Lords tensed up they didn't want another lump of energy to suddenly appeared after all.

"You filthy slime"

He wasn't able to make a comeback so Clayman just used his famous captcha.

"First little and now filthy. You know people always say I don't look impressive enough, but they can't argue over how strong I am once I punch them in the face."


Many chuckles and giggles filled the room as Leon looked flustered and irritated but the punch was truly very powerful.

'I can't defy these words'

Leon thought as he silently swallowed his little pride.

"I have a lot of free time but I didn't want to waste it on you"

Rimuru didn't stop his tongue assaults, he keeps insulting and taunting Clayman with no end.

"Yawn. Hey are you done yet"

Again Rimuru interrupts Clayman in his never-ending speech.

"Let's make it easier for all of us."

Finally, not able to endure any more nonsense Rimuru said gaining the attention of all people.

"Everything you said or you are going to say is true. I confessed I'm the one who killed the human army, ask Milim to kill Carrion, and whatever you said earlier.

Now, what are you going to do?"

Rimuru asked him aggressively as he released a little bit of his aura to intimidate Clayman even more.

"The way you are acting, so confidently I'm pretty sure you have some hidden trick don't you"

At this point, Clayman's body started to tremble with fear.

No, fear is a small word to describe what he truly felt.


He felt terrified to the very core. He wasn't even able to utter a single word.

"What a disgrace for a Demon Lord"

With that Rimuru leaned back into his chair and closed his eyes.

Relaxing his body he has enough of bullshit for today.


«Notice. Please don't ask the author for more updates. He will update after a month.»

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