3. batman's seeing her but not like that

Start from the beginning

"I think I'll need to reclean and reapply antibiotics pretty frequently, so you should stick around for a few hours until I think it's safe for you to go home," Nadia told him. Nadia was going to use those times to reverse the infection until it heals over completely. No chance was regular antibiotics going to fix this issue. Nadia hoped that Batman didn't know that though.

Batman grunted but finally relaxed his body. Nadia didn't even realize that he was so tense. It was Batman she was talking about. From her last interaction, Nadia shouldn't have been surprised.

He didn't say anything afterward. Nadia thought the silence was more suspicious than anything. Gotham's proclaimed best detective had no further questioning? Scary.

She didn't want to pay attention to her healing capabilities or the healing process she was administering to Batman, so she changed the subject. "What happened for you to get like this?"

"Bad timing."

"Hmm," Nadia carefully chose her words for what she was about to say next. "I don't think bad timing equates to an ultra fast-growing infection. I mean, if I was a second too late then you could've gotten blood poisoning, and then that would have been bad timing."

"It's not your business," he told her.

"Not my business?" Nadia frowned. "This could be a new medical condition that we should be preparing for, as a doctor, it is my business. Not to mention you went to me for help because you knew that whatever basic medical skill you've been using to treat your injuries wasn't enough for this case."

Batman stared her down. Nadia didn't let up. If he was going to be difficult, fine. But two can play that game.

"It's a type of bacteria made up by someone that I was tracking down. This scientist researcher has been using it to kill select people in the city." Batman told her.

"Oh," Nadia said, eyes far away remembering an unpleasant time in childhood regarding ill-intentioned researchers. "That's a terrible thing to do."

Batman didn't say anything, instead, the silence spoke for him. This was his life and that's what he had to get used to.

"I'm at least glad you thought fast enough to go to me, I'll be able to get you stronger antibiotics by tomorrow if you wanna drop by. I don't know how this infection will affect you but I'll be able to treat the symptoms a bit for now and keep it at bay."

"Will you be able to find a cure for it?"

"Batsy, I'm a medical doctor, not a medical scientist. The scientists find the cure, I just understand and administer them. If anything, the cure would be quick medical attention? The scary thing about this infection is that most people wouldn't realize that they need fast medical treatment and leave it like that for who knows how long."

"Unfortunate that you didn't become one," Batman notes. "This would've been easy if you could find a solution."

"Yeah, well I'm not a fan of a lot of scientists, believe it or not." Nadia sighed. "Plus, you could've died if I went that route. No normal researcher has a lab in their apartment anyways."

"No normal doctor has an IV drip in their apartment, either."

Nadia opened her mouth to rebuttal but the weight of his words settled and she closed her mouth back, face red.

"Whatever," she grumbled, looking away from the vigilante. "I don't know any researchers that can help either. Well, not anyone that can make this a top priority. My contacts are in Central City with STAR Labs. You might have better luck with your other connections if you even work with anyone."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2022 ⏰

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