34. The Decision

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Jun was right, Soonyoung was there.

- Hoshi what are y... Why are you smoking?

- Cause the cigarette is lit?

- Why did you light it?

- To smoke.

- Give that shit to me,- Jihoon stretched his hand to grab the cigarette from the older's hand but Soonyoung lifted his arm above his head.

- You can't reach it.

- I'll punch your balls.

- Let me smoke in peace, please!- Soonyoung was irritated, which made Jihoon feel a bit scared (he won't admit it of course).

- Do whatever you want.

- Thanks!

"I need to be nice"- Jihoon reminded himself.

- What's bothering you, Hoshi?

- Nothing,- Soonyoung smiled as if he wasn't the one ready to throw hands when Jihoon wanted to take his cigarette away.

- Cut the crap. Since when did you start smoking? I remember back in uni we invited you to smoke and you choked.

- I didn't have anything to smoke about back then.

- Do you have now? You dramatic ass.- Jihoon didn't sound very soft but the smile was.

- I'm gonna contradict myself if I say no, huh?

- Yes, so you better tell me what's been going on with you.

- I really really don't feel like sharing anything right now, Woozi.

Jihoon felt his heart clench. Not because Soonyoung doesn't want to share something with him specifically, that wasn't the deal. It was because of the fact that Soonyoung never had a problem with sharing anything with any of his friends. Jihoon doesn't know what must've happened, that Soonyoung doesn't want to share. Was he ashamed or afraid of something?

- Hoshi, I understand that you may not want to share with anyone and I, obviously respect your will but I can't help but get concerned. Because if you don't wanna share, you're either in danger or embarrassed. Please find someone to share with and don't face your problems alone, okay?

Soonyoung looked at this new, soft Jihoon and quickly blinked his eyes. "Why is he being so...normal?"- He thought.

- I'm not in danger. I'm fine.

- Are you embarrassed?

- Very much.

- Hoshi,- Jihoon put his hand on Soonyoung's shoulder making him face the shorter male, - there is absolutely nothing you can tell me, that will make me judge you. I'm sure the embarrassment you're feeling isn't even objective and I know you haven't done anything awful.

- How do you know, Woozi?! And isn't being a total loser something objectively embarrassing.

- You're not a total loser, even if you are, it's not embarrassing. What's going on, Hoshi?

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