✨Episode 4✨

137 2 7

Narrate use

Why does my heart race just by seeing him? If it's love, will it be reciprocated? Will he love me? me.

???:- I already found you, where were you?

-S-sorry it won't happen again

- I was really sorry- Canada

Canada was angry and worried at the same time, I just let out a small smile, I didn't want him to worry and know that his loved one is the person who caused this lawsuit.

-Oh, you worry a lot, better let's go home.

Canada:- And-and the meeting?

- How can I tell him that I don't want to be there?

-Oh, by Lucifer!, Let's just go have fun as brothers, C'mon.

Canada:- Lucifer??, ok, let's go but if Onu scolds us, I'll tell the truth.

-Yes, yes, yes, now let's go bro, there's a cafeteria nearby (now let's go brother, there's a cafeteria nearby)

Canada:- Ok, allons à cette cafétéria (Ok, let's go to that café)

I narrate the narrator

The pair of brothers were walking through the corridors of the building, while in another meeting room it is not where the current countrys are, these are the old ones, yes I speak of those tyrants, of the 1st, 2nd war and the cold war, yep themselves.

???:- Commit 4- said the older German

???2:- Commit 8- said the older Russian

???3:- Can you stop playing UNO and come help me with this post?- said the one with the swastika symbol angrily.

???1 and 2:- No- they kept playing.

???4:- Come on you can Nazi!!-said the Italian.

Nazi:- Why don't you help me, traitor?

???5:- Uhhhhhhhhh-the Japanese said mockingly.

???4:- Hit the URRS chair!!!-he said and then handed him the chair he was sitting on-Come 16 and ONE!!!-he said shouting as he was playing with the German and the Russian.

???5:- At what time did you start playing with I. German and I. Russian, Italy?

Italia F.:- At the same time that the USSR persecuted the Nazi, I. Japanese- turned and shouted- I won!!!!, in their faces!!!, ha!

I. Alemán:- Ahhhhgggg!!!!!!, I shouldn't have bet with you!!!- he said angrily pointing at the Russian.

Russian I.:- I told you I would win, now pay me!!- he said proud of himself.

I. Japanese:- What did you bet, I. German?

I. German:- My son's hand- everyone was WTF!!??, everyone except the Russians.

Nazi:- I'm going to kill you!!- The one with the swastika ran towards the one he used to call "Váter"

Urrs:- Father- the older Russian looked at his son- I congratulate you- the older Russian just arched his eyebrow and then had a face of horror. The only quiet ones were I. Japanese and Fascist Italy, until the door opens, everyone stared at the angry face of the only organization that fears him.

???:- Tell me what are you doing?- Said the pacifist with veins on his head.

???2:- Onu, calm down *whisper* you know you won't be able to rest if you continue like this.

???:- Onu, I brought you the papers you asked for...-everyone looks at the one who just arrived-you...-awkward silence- Toilet?- said the youngest of the Germans.

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