✨Episode 3✨

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Onu:- Mexico, I'm tired! Russia, you can go,- the Russian complied with the order-Mexico, USA, what happened?

Usa:- Well.....

narrate use

I was walking through the corridors looking for my brother Canada, since I promised him that I would help him to confess to his Crush Russia, I don't like the idea of ​​having the communist as a family, but if he is my brother, I can't refuse.

"Where will you be, Canada?" I said between a whisper.

???:- Were you looking for someone?- I was surprised to see the only person who hates me.

-What do you care about communist?-I said with annoyance, if I could hardly bear it in the meetings, why not now?

Russia:- If you are looking for Canada, they are looking for you in the meeting room- I didn't say anything, I just went to the room.

The room was in a few corridors but I had a problem, Russia was chasing me, I was walking like nothing, but he kept going, until I got tired and yelled at him

-What do you want stupid * communist? - I couldn't take it anymore, I wanted to hit him in the face.

Russia:- I just came to tell you this- I was surprised by the blow he gave me- that was for killing my dad.

-what the fuck is wrong with you?- I already told you, didn't I?- communist, that's been many years, besides he betrayed us before, it's not my fault and why don't you claim the UK and France, eh?

Russia:- They are not capable of that, but you are- he picked me up by the neck of my sweater and started hitting me, I defended myself as best I could but it was useless, he is stronger and taller

I thought that would be the end of me, but hearing the voice of ¿Mexico?, Russia stopped hitting me, I was surprised when Russia dropped me, I complained about the fall I took.

Russia:- What are you doing here? -he said dryly- I thought that being the 1st power you would be punctual, not like this third-worlder- the last thing he said with annoyance.

Mexico:- Stop bothering USA, please Russia- what!?, Mexico is defending me?

Usa:- Mex, please, it's nothing, I-I'm fine-I said with difficulty, I thought I was only doing it for profit.

Mexico:- my body really hurt- Russia- I didn't want to get into the talk of these 2 powers- apologize to him, Russia.

Russia:- Ah?- Mexico is telling you that the communist should apologize?- force me.

Mexico: - Now you did get a ticket! - I only saw how Mexico dealt a big blow to the communist - apologize to USA, Russia!

Russia:- No!!- both exchanged blows.

Mexico:- I told you that you- hit him that sent him flying- excuse me!!- I had to act fast, since I saw how Mexico sent the communist flying to the door of the room, I was surprised that Mexico has some great wings but these were hurt, I came out of my trance when I heard the voice of the UN, so I grabbed Mexico as best I could, but the following words surprised me.

Mexico: - Nobody hits Usa! - I blushed, quite how good the wings of Mexico covered me.

???:-Mexico?- the voice of the UN, well pissed off, is scary, I no longer supported Mexico for the same reason.

Mexico:- Y-yes UN?- Mexico turned around with great fear, why? because we both feel the real terror-N-no UN, no, NOOOOO!!!-UN dragged Mexico along with Russia who is unconscious, I just walked behind the boys, I saw the FBI enter and I greeted him.

FBI: -I'm not going to ask, so we'll take another break while- FBI came after us, since it's the UN partner.

*End of flash back*

- And that's it.

UN:- Ok, since I'm tired of you two, I'll let you stay together in this project, there will be no complaints now- he gets up from his seat- go away, now- he said with obvious anger, which Mexico and I accepted without question .

I was nervous, I never heard Mexico defend me like that, he has always hated me, what could this feeling be?, is it like Uk said when he was little?, this is... love?, I was so focused on my thoughts that I didn't I realized that Mexico was hugging me, I was imprisoned in her arms.

-M-mex?, what are you doing?

Mexico:- he reacted so fast that his movement made me dizzy- L-sorry, I think I have to go- he left without me answering him, ahhh.

Why does my heart race just by seeing him? If it's love, will it be reciprocated? Will he love me? me.

???:- I already found you, where were you?

-S-sorry it won't happen again- I was really sorry- Canada




807 WORDS.

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