✨Episode 13✨

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-Exactly!, Conferred knew of my plans and Canada as an influence... your "parents" did everything possible... to get rid of me... Unfortunately... that didn't happen... well yes... .but it was only because I was weak...but I'm back...

🇺🇲: I won't let you hurt my family...

- Oh~, of course! You have a creature... well... I only warn you one thing...

🇺🇲: What?

- Don't say anything to your brother...

🇺🇲: Canada?

- I didn't specify which one...well bye!- it disappears...

🇺🇲: Hey I want more answers!!

It had already completely disappeared, leaving only the reflection of the young man...

🇺🇲: Could it be....

🇺🇲: No... it can't be possible... Will he still be alive??

🇲🇽: Love??, everything okay in there??

🇺🇲: Y-yes honey, of course... everything is fine...

Tomorrow he will know if he would be pregnant, he would only be with the person he loves the most that night... Sleeping together once more...

The next morning both were already preparing their bags, the American had already finished for 2 minutes.

🇺🇲: He leaves the room- Oh! Edomex, how are you?

Edomex: Ah?... H-hello... Mr. Usa... What do you want??

🇺🇲: I was wondering if you could help me get the bags down...

Edomex: Don't worry, I'll tell one of my brothers to help me...

🇺🇲: Thank you...- he goes to the Mexican's room and enters without him noticing.

🇲🇽: Do I have everything ready?? - he asked himself- I have everything??

🇺🇲: Only you are missing~

🇲🇽: There is love...- he approaches her- you scared me- he gives her a short kiss- how is my love?

🇺🇲: Which one?- the weak one or me??

🇲🇽: It separates- clearly I'm talking about my USA- have you packed your bags??

🇺🇲: Yes...yes he did...he asked one of your states to help him lower them...- he approaches to kiss her but stops him- what? Don't you want a kiss from your beloved Usa??

🇲🇽: She grabs him by the shirt collar- I've already told you not to get involved in our relationship...

🇺🇲: I'm leaving~!

She closes her eyes, the Mexican let out a sigh and left the minor in bed to rest, that was finished, she closed the suitcases and then put them down, she tells one of her states to take her to the van, she returns observing that she has already got up the younger.

🇲🇽: Sleeping beauty is up yet~?

🇺🇲: Mmm...- rubs his eyes- did I fall asleep?

🇲🇽: Come on honey... - grabs him- we must go if we want to arrive during the day..

🇺🇲: Yup- grabs the opponent's hand- but first- kisses him on the lips.

🇲🇽: Mh?- it separates- love... if we continue we won't arrive at the scheduled time...

🇺🇲: It's okay- she turns and gives him a little kiss- let's go, we won't get there later...

🇲🇽: We'll go down in style!

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