Never stopped

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        "Ally?" I heard from outside the door and a slight knock.

       "Come in Sam," I said.

      He walks in, with his hands in his pockets and a beanie and with a nervous expression. He still looks good.

       "Hey Ally," He said shyly and sits at the end of the bed.

       "You can sit right next to me," I said.

      He smiles shyly and sits down right next to me.

       "My brother told me what happened. Now I want you to tell me,"

      "Okay so I was at home one day and Lynn walks in. I guess I left it opened and she tells me that Nash and her both didnt want us to be happy or well me. Idk what Nash's problem is but Lynn's was because I cut it off. Then she goes and tells me that they drugged me and forced me to have sex with her. I was so drugged I didnt have control. I guess either Nash or Lynn texted me the next morning telling me amd it was after you got the text. Then the day after Lynn admitted what she done she texted me this,"

      I grabbed the phone and saw the text message.

     "You know I would never hurt you like that. You know it! But you were so mad at me. I didnt think you wanted to see me,"

      "If you got Skate to believe you then, I definitely need to hear you out,"

       "Come here," I said.

       He leans down and I lean up and kiss him. It shocked him just a little but then he kisses me back. This is nothing like kissing Cam. This actually feels like its meant to be.

      I pulled away from the kiss because the baby was kicking hard.

     I grabbed Sammy's hand and placed it on my stomach.

    He smiled.

    "I was so scared that you stopped loving me,"

   "Never stopped," I said.

    Skate's POV:


    I cant believe that asshole broke up with my sister. Leave a pregnant girl is one thing but telling her through text? Thats not right. Please it being my little sister. Yeah, Cam is gonna get it.

     I get up to his door and I don't even bother knocing. I just go straight in. 

    "Skate! Wassup?" Gilinsky tries to talk to me.

   "Not now. Where's Cameron?"

   "His room,"

   I go up there and once again dont bother knocking. I just bust in there. I saw him about to get in bed with another girl, I tackled him into the ground and start beating the fuck outta him.

     "What the fuck?" The girl asked.

     "You think breaking up with a girl over text is okay? Breaking up with a girl who might be having your baby? A girl who is in the hospital? Its not okay,"

      "Lynn, pull him out me or get one of the guys,"

      "Lynn? You gotta be shitting him," I said letting him go.

     "What is you fucking deal with my sister? Is it because Sam chose her over you? Let me tell you something about his and her relationship. Yes, they hated each other. Only because they both liked each other, even though, they didnt know that they did. YES, I knew they did. I KNEW he wouldn't cheat on her. That's why I let them date. I just acted like it bothered me when it didnt. That was before you showed up. Made me lose trust in my best friend. But guess what, tramp, Sam and Ally are talking as we speak. They will always go back to each other. They are perfect for each other. Wanna know why? They are always there for each other way before they started dating. She has saw him when he has hit rock bottom and same goes for him. So just stay away from them," I said leaving.


Maybe, He isn't a Bad Guy After All (Sammy Wilkinson) (Book 2)**NOT EDITED**Where stories live. Discover now