Chapter 68

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You guys should love me, you know?

This is my THIRD chapter for today! After this, it's the last chapter! I can't believe it.

The last chapter will be posted tomorrow as soon as I get home from school!

I hope you like this chapter. It's kind of long, and kind of emotional towards the end. I hope you like it! Xx


Carly’s POV:

            The boys have been here for two weeks now, and the Unicef Snowflake Ball was tomorrow night. I had done whatever I could to ignore and avoid Harry. Of course, I was busy with some interviews and other things concerning my next album. I had been announced it to be released in a week, and fans were going crazy. They were so excited for the second album, probably more than I was.

            I was currently in my dressing room way at a radio interview with Radio Disney, and was really excited because of I was gonna perform my new single A Year Without Rain. Yeah, the song has to do with Harry, and he’s the reason I wrote it, but I’m not gonna think about it while I sing it. He’s gonna be out of sight and out of mind. All I have to focus on is promoting my new album and sing my new song.

            As I sat in my dressing room, Kristen looks at me. “Marissa and Carter are gonna be at your place by six thirty to get you ready for the ball,” she informs me, looking down at her Blackberry Bold. “And then the limo will come around seven fifteen to take you to the event.”

            I nod, licking my red lips. “Alright,” I heave a breath.

            Kristen looks at me, narrowing her eyes. “Are you nervous to perform, Carls?” she asks. I give a one shoulder shrug, and she gives me a small smile. “Don’t think about him, babe. Just think about the millions of fans that are so excited for your album, and love and support you. You’re gonna be fine.”

            “Thanks, Kris,” I smile gratefully at her.

            A guy comes in, letting me know that it’s time for me to go on. I stand up and walk down the hall to where my band was already set up. As I walked in, I was greeted by Jake, the host, as he grinned at me. “It’s great to have you, Carly.”    

            “It’s great to be here, Jake,” I smile back, sitting down on the stool. There was a microphone in front of me, ready to go, as the cameras started rolling.

            “Hey guys, it’s Jake!” he grins at the camera. “Today we have a special musical guest with us, Carly McKinley!”

            I grin and wave at the camera. “Hey!”

            I fix my black and white scarf as Jake says to me, “The floor is yours,” and walks away.

            I chuckle looking at the camera. “This is my first single off of my second album, A Year Without Rain,” I say.

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