Male Reader x Female Shirou Emiya Part 2

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(M/N) = Male Name

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(M/N) = Male Name

(H/C) = Hair Color

(H/L) = Hair Length

(S/C) = Skin Color

'...' = Thoughts

"..." = Speaking

Manage to have enough time to write another oneshot.


"So let me get this straight."

(M/N) started, as he, Shiori (female Shirou), and the twins looked at their newest guest in the Emiya household.

"You are Medea – the Medea of Colchis from Ancient Greece."

(Medea, the Legs of

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(Medea, the Legs of...sorry the Witch of Betrayal)

"Yes, that's right" the purple haired, purpled eyed beauty confirmed from across the table.

"And the reason you are alive, so to speak, is because you are what is called a heroic spirit."

"Right again, master" The purple theme woman confirmed once again.

"And there is something called the Holy Grail War, where people fight for a holy grail (not the one that Jesus Christ drank from) to have their greatest wish granted. And where mages will not hesitate to kill the other masters or use innocents to achieve their goals.

"Yes" – Medea

"...Well damn"

"(M/N) and everyone else just sat there stunned at the info dump they had just gotten.

"And they just kill them without a second, or that they might have family?" Shiori asked, shocked and horrified at how callous magus were. Playing with the lives of innocent bystanders that were not even aware of the secret war.

'Is this why dad refused to teach me magecraft no matter how many times I begged and asked him?'

Was the thought running through Shiori head. She knew, thanks to (M/N), that her adoptive father was known as the Magus Killer a ruthless assassin who would not hesitate to bring down his target no matter how dirty the method was.

Fate Grand Order x Reader/Master OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now