chapter thirty eight

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| nyah |

Come on, you can do it.

I took a deep breath before flipping my body backwards and landing again on my feet.

"That wasn't so bad." I mumbled to myself. A week after Jaxon yelled at me that he loved me, I started training my body back into my normal fighting style, taking it a few paces at a time. I can do flips and my body is pretty much healed.

I'm just scared.

I haven't actually admitted that to anyone yet but I'm fucking scared. It confuses me that I used to be able to do the things I could.

I'm trying to build up my tolerance but I know Jaxon is watching me through one of the windows. I banned him from the garden because I can't have him in my space while I try to convince myself that I wasn't an alien because I could do the things I could.

I jumped and swung my body backwards as I forced myself to  flip and I did about 5 before I gave in and stopped.

I landed in a crouch position and looked down at my knees as I blew a shaky breath.

You're good. You landed it.

So why don't I feel normal?

"Hey!" Jax yelled and I looked up as he walked past the large bushes and approached me. "Hi," I sighed as I remained in position and he raised his eyebrow at me.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, sure I'm good," I said as I looked back down at the grass. He crouched to join my eye level and lifted my chin up to face him.

"We both know you can do it, so why don't you just do it?" He mumbled as he stared into my eyes with worry on his face.

"I don't know how," I said as I sat on the grass with my legs crossed and he joined me. "Lying to my face won't make this process go any faster," He reminded me and I thought of a possible way to distract him. I don't wanna talk about this anymore.

I shifted towards him and swung my legs on either side of him as his hands steadied my waist.

"Are you trying to distract me?" He muttered as he looked straight at my lips with no shame.

"Is it working?" I whispered as I leaned closer and he grunted in response.

"The things you do to me," He mumbled to himself as his hand slid to the back of my neck and his thumb carresses my cheek before he pulled my lips towards his.

Every single time he kisses me, it's like I forget the feeling. I couldn't help but move my hips closer towards him and as he gripped my waist tighter I let out small moan and he immediately pulled away.

"Stop doing that." He warned in a hard voice and I gave him a confusing look as I tried to hide my smile.

"Doing what?"

"Turning me on, cause we are nowhere near a bedroom and I'd be happy to fuck you right here," He replied as he gestured to the grassy field we were sitting in.

"Okay, fine. I'll stop," I promised as I held both my hands on either side of his face. "Just one more," I mumbled before I brought his face to mine and kissed him at a more slower pace.

Every sense and tingle in my body came alive as he wrapped his arms tighter around me and I pulled away and smiled.

"I better get back to training," I sighed and he frowned.

"The hell you are." He muttered as he managed to stand up whilst holding me with ease and carried me back into the house. He shut the door with the back of his feet and his hands gripped my ass as we walked to the kitchen.

The End of Her Reign: THE SINNERS SERIESحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن