Chapter Ten - A Turn for the Worst

Start from the beginning

"Okay, fine. I won't do anything stupid... as long as you follow that rule as well!" I negotiate.

"Yes love, of course." He shook his head in amusement and pulled me into an almost suffocating hug.

"I'm going to miss you." I mutter, vulnerably and try to take in as much of his familiar scent as possible as I burrow into his chest.

"I know, sweet girl. I will miss you more." His voice was sincere and I only clutch onto him harder.

"Mr Romano, your car is ready," one of Leo's goons inform him and before I could stop myself I was sending a hateful glare towards the oblivious man. Leo seemed to notice because he chuckled at my expression.

"Bye, baby." His voice sounded strained as he mumbled against my hair. Before he finally released me he appeared to have an internal battle with himself, he looked reluctant to let go and even more frustrated than normal as he paced towards the door.

"Bye Leo." I whisper as hot tears slowly cascade down my skin. I noticed how firmly he gripped the door knob as he turned back towards me. I could tell he didn't want to leave me and god did I want to yell agreements to his concern.
I don't want you to leave me either. Nonetheless, like the incredibly amazing girlfriend I am I sent him a forced smile and nodded my head a little in encouragement. Go on and leave me...but only for two weeks. Despite his attempts to match my smile, he ultimately fails but I still applaud him for his efforts. This is hard. I watched his eyes roam my figure one last time, analysing every detail, before he stormed out the house and slammed the door shut.

The house fell into an eery quietness and I shivered a little at the atmosphere. It reminded me of my time spent living with my Mother; all too lonely. With Leonardo's usual presence filling every room he enters I had previously failed to notice the overly large size of the building. It seemed empty; cold, and I couldn't help but shrink into myself.
This was going to be a long two weeks.


"Boop." I giggle as I retract my pointer finger from Kai's nose before moving to prod it again. "Boop." I continued the action, hoping to annoy the stubborn man into paying attention to me instead of his laptop. Devious, I know.

It was actually Leo who suggested I go hang out at Kai's house for a while although he did specifically demand that I let one of his goons drive me as I apparently I "should not be allowed behind a wheel of a vehicle, ever".
Don't get me wrong, I can drive in the sense that I have a license but one could argue that I can't drive in the sense that I shouldn't have a licence. Anyway, of course I didn't abide by that suggestion, I might as well at least have some fun whilst he's away.
He's a very dramatic man my Leo.

Just as I move to prod Kai's nose again my finger is clasped in his palm. "Can I help you?" He finally reacts and I refrain from jumping with joy.

"Why yes, yes you can. I was thinking we go out somewhere fun. You know, do some one-on-one best friend bonding." I wink at him and smile at his melodious laugh.

"Where are you wanting to go then, sunshine?" He inquires as he leans back in his chair away from his laptop.

"I don't know... um... we could go to the beach or we could go bowling or window shopping or skating or-", before I can finish I am rudely interrupted.

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