Drauch and Stormbreaker

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But after your initial healing from the stones- the more medicine that you took from Dr. Hayati- the worse you began to feel. The feeling of impending death slowly crept back into your heart and mind. And feeling that the number of your days start to tick down slowly became more poignant. You felt like you were cramming as much as possible into each and every single minute so that Audrey would have the same vision you did of the ships as both of you made dozens of finishing sets. With samples of marble, paints for the walls. Woods for the trim and finishes and sketches both vague yet detailed for every kind of ship as you both broke it down to a bare bones model that would be a base model and then built up from there before Lukher, Audrey, Kragan and yourself came up with the largest and most luxurious one as each variant had it's own added title. And the most grand designed Kragan named The Contessina Magnifica. And it would be very much- a floating palace. And while the smaller skyships would look like little toy boats in the clouds. The Contessina Magnifica would look large enough even from the ground that one would feel like they could reach up and pluck it from the sky with their hand and it would come with a crew of smaller defensive ships to fly around it in formation to protect it and the occupants from any would be attackers.

The plan was that once the ships had their adani steel frames, like a steel skeleton- and adani anti-gravity disks and adani propulsion engines and the beginning of the plumbing and electrical wiring installed- the ships would then be flown to Drauch to be "fleshed out" by the stone timber pines and then sailed back to Yekmeni to be finished.

Kragan poured most of his money into the sails for the Contessina Ships. They would be a brand new wonder of engineering. The sails themselves would not only harness the wind- but the sunshine too. And even moonlight - as an energy source. Skyships had something of windmills at the bottom that helped turn a turbine engine which in turn would help turn the paddles of the windmills like propellers of a seaship.

But because of the very advanced technology in Yekmeni and thanks to the ingenuity of not just the native Yekmenians but the mouras in the surrounding colonies- Kragan invented a new propulsion engine that was a turbine of but blades that would cut through the air faster than a propeller. And the engine turbines could be put on the bottom of the ship and with just a move of a lever and a joystick- could me moved and maneuvered in any direction so that the ship could move in any direction for ease of movement and quickness of movement so that you didn't have to go at whatever the wind speeds were.

And the engineers and artisans at Yekmeni made a special cloth that was both machine and cloth that had special cells that would capture sunlight and turn it into electrical energy to help power the ship, charge the batteries and the generator and engines and anti-gravity disks and the turbines. And where the SSCS woven into the sails themselves- that thread would actually glitter during the daylight and glow at night. Especially under moonlight since the sails were dyed in special dye that would make the sails glow as if under blacklight at night and if a light were shone on them- from a lighthouse or in a storm- the sails themselves would reflect back as if painted with light reflecting paint. The sails themselves were an utter marvel too and would soon be put to use in the regular Salgria Shipping boats. And with the different classes- the sails themselves could have their designation. So that the sails of The Contesssina Magnifica Ships would have SSCS-M on the ships so that even at a distance you could tell what class Contessina Ship it was.

All of it was so exciting yet it was a bitter sweet process for you. Because while Kragan and yourself threw yourselves into this project. You knew you would probably never see it completed. But what a wonder these ships would be when they were finished. And what fortunes they would make Kragan and his family- you could only fathom and fantasize about, as you would draw and paint picture after picture of possible looks based on Kragan's initial design which ended up being the middle of the road model- called Originale.

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