until i saw one message.

"i relapsed"

she later turned her phone off, so we quickly looked away.

"aren't managers supposed to manage one artist, not two?" i asked.

"i'm capable of managing more than one."

"he's a good manager.." marcus added quietly.

"what if i declined your offer for being my manager?" i asked.

"you'd regret it.." the manager said

"really?" i said.

then a weird emotion came, as if i were crying or something; but i wasn't really crying when i touched my cheeks.

it was so weird, but i acted like nothing happened.

"is there a studio or?" i asked.


"thought you were professional" i said.

he laughed.

"i am professional! and yes i do have a studio"

"A studio?" i said, emphasising on the A.


"so one studio, but your managing two artists. well three but two are together"

"yeah! i have time slots for you guys. you usually go before them"

i sighed.

"okay." i said.

the rest of the ride was quiet, but the manager handed me papers to sign so he can officially be my manager.

i kind of struggled, i was slightly shaking and i was nervous.

should i trust him or not?

i noticed the boys looking at the paper, probably waiting for me to sign, so i just signed it.

eventually the papers were signed and he handed me a table.

i scanned my eyes across it.

studio every other day.

it wasn't bad to be honest, i started to build my trust in him.

"if you ever decide to come to the studio when you don't have studio time, feel free, it's not far away." the studio address was at the bottom, and i recognised the street.

"thank you" i added.

he nodded, and it went silent again.

i just looked at my paper until my phone started ringing

i looked over to see "daisy💗".

i sighed, and silenced my phone.

i wasnt really in the mood to talk to anyone and despite my new manager not being that bad, i was mad that ella just left.

i went to google maps on my phone and checked how long till we get home.

in 40 minutes.

i sighed, the manager was talking to someone through the phone, and the twins on either side of me were quiet.

i started to fix my dress a bit, it was twisting a bit, so i fixed it.

suddenly my phone called again.

this time it was "Valdrin Sahiti" the fashion designer.

i smiled and answered.

"hello?" i said.

"y/n!!! you looked amazing in the dress!"

"thank you!"

"what are you up to now?"

"just going home now, i think"

"you think?"

"yeah no im sure!"

"okay good! is it okay if i post your red carpet photos as well as stage photos to my instagram?"

"of course!!!" i said, smiling.

"great! congratulations on your awards"

"thank you! im so happy"

"your a strong woman y/n" his voice went all serious.

"t-thank you.." i said.

i started to fidget with my dress.

"your speech was amazing, but i guess your really tired so i don't want to disturb you, thank you y/n"

"thank YOU valdrin, have an amazing rest of your day"

i ended the call, slightly confused but also happy.

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