"I'm sure it's her.".Whispered Cassidy to Emilia.

"Yeah , I'm not going to let this one go.". Emilia watched as the two girls go , she vowed to her self to take revenge on Ophelia. There's nobody can mess with Emilia.

"Excuse moi mademoiselles.". The three girls turned to the waiter. "I hate to interrupt your Le high school feud , but you still have work to do.". He pointed to the dirty table. The three girls growled , then continue their work. "pardonne moi , I was just told by le principal."

"Hahahaha..Did you saw how their faces when we spilled the coke ?!". Bianca laughed , sure it was a nerve wrecking experience standing up to Emilia's act and all but she admit it was fun and want to do it again , especially with her new friend Ophelia.

"Haha yeah that was hilarious ! If you didn't pull me though, I already hit her you know."Ophelia rolled her eyes , it would be satisfying if she fight that girl. Well actually she never fight before , but it would be fun if she did it the first time with someone she dislikes the most.

"I know , but as a friend I just don't want you to be in trouble.". Ophelia smiled , feeling so happy that Bianca also called her as friend.

Ophelia's attention were interrupted to the blonde girl who's looking at the bulletin board. As if Rosalind know someone looking at her , she then turned , a smile forming on her lips as her hand waving. Ophelia was smiling too and about to wave back , but she stopped when someone walked pass her greeting Rosalind.

"Hi I was looking for you.". The woman said in a high pitched voice.

"Really ? What happened?". Rosalind asked to the woman , that also the time Ophelia realized Rosalind wasn't smiling nor waving at her this whole time.

"Who is that ?". Ophelia asked looking coldly towards that woman beside Rosalind, who looked a little bit older than her.

"That's Miss Thatcher , Katherine Thatcher. She's our biology teacher.". Bianca informed somehow noticing the change of mood from Ophelia's expression.

"They seemed close.". Ophelia commented as she saw Rosalind and Katherine giggling together. Ophelia didn't even know that Rosalind could pull out such expression.

"Well yeah , rumor has it that they are dating."

Ophelia turned her eyes abruptly towards her friend. "Really?!"

"It's still a rumor , but it wouldn't be a surprise if they did. I mean ,look ! Both of them are hot and suit for each other.". Bianca didn't realize that her comment has affected the girl beside her.

"Huh...right..".Ophelia turned into silence as she turned her eyes back towards the teachers. Strangely , Ophelia dislike the idea of Rosalind dating someone. Romance has never been a kind of topic they usually talked about when they are still a kid or around each other until now. 

Is it also one of the thing that Rosalind never tell to her ? There are still many things Ophelia didn't know about Rosalind  and she felt annoyed by it. Suddenly , Ophelia feel uncomfortable around her chest , she even clutched on it , trying to lessen the pain with the pressure. Breathing are also difficult to do.

"Ophelia are you okay ?". Bianca asked in worry. "Oh my god you look pale , and ..you're sweating."

Ophelia gulped trying her best to breath properly."I'm okay. I think, I will go back to the class first.". With much difficulty , she started to walk back to the class limply. It's been awhile since Ophelia felt this way. Her vision blurred a bit when she arrived at the class, luckily no one here to see her in this condition. She dropped her self on the chair instantly , her breath was still hard to catch. She reached for her bag , looking for the prescription the family doctor always gave her. She got the orange pill box on her hand , then immediately gulp one of the pill.

Ophelia : A story of a private high school girlWhere stories live. Discover now