Kidnapping & Torturing for a Dummy

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Just don't take this story very seriously...

Never in her entire life as a parent, Jodie would imagine herself facing the term teen pregnancy in her family. She forgot, she completely forgot to educate her children, especially her youngest daughter about the importance of protected sex. She never thought that Ophelia will dating someone, even having sex with someone...not until she's on her thirties she presumed.

My baby girl will have baby...

Jodie reached for her coffee cup slowly with a trembling hand, it's that school, she thought. It's because of that damn school! She should have known better not to put her daughter in her own former school, knowing how much of a bitch the principal is and how stuck up the students with the real world.

It's not entirely the school's fault though, Jodie thought before her eyes slowly turned to her wife beside, who still staring blankly at their daughter after the revelation of her pregnancy. Yes, Nicole...keep silent. You know it better now, this is your mistake. But of course, Jodie couldn't say it directly to her wife or else another problem will erupt in The Bennet's household.

"Honey..." Nicole suddenly let out a faint chuckle after being quiet the entire time. "You must be joking, right?" She thought Ophelia was still their little girl who liked to mess with them in order to get their attention.

Wiping her tears by the sleeve, Ophelia then showed them the ultrasound picture. "I have twins...". Her voice trembled by worry and fear.

My baby will have babies...

"Owww..." Nicole covered her own mouth in disbelief at the ultrasound picture on her hand. She didn't know how to react and how to feel, whether she have to be happy, sad, terrified or angered by this. She put the picture back onto the desk, knowing so well that it's legit. "Jodie..." She then cried while covering her face, still doesn't know what to say beside blaming herself for Ophelia's situation. "It's my fault..."

Jodie reached for her wife's back then rubbing it softly. "No, it's not your fault honey" Yes, it's entirely your fault!

"I'm sorry..." Ophelia lowered her face in shame. "Please, don't kick me out from home!"

Of course not, they are not that kind of parents who poured the salt on their children's wound. "Now, tell us!" Jodie raised her tone slightly. "Who did it?"

Ophelia's head even lowered, her fingers fiddling on the edge of her clothes rapidly. She still hasn't got the faintest idea of how to tell her parents properly, without the chance of them thinking that their daughter is a slut. "That's the problem..." She tried slowly. "I-I don't know..."

Nicole frowned. "What? Why you don't know?" She started to worry that a stranger assaulted her daughter.

"I...I had sex with two people"


Ophelia waved her hands in front of them in fast. "No! No! It's not like what you're thinking!" She started to explain it again slowly. "I had sex with one person, we broke up and then two days later I had sex with another person"

Jodie and Nicole blinked their eyes still trying to process what their daughter said. "Then who? Come on, tell us!"

Ophelia : A story of a private high school girlWhere stories live. Discover now