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Sai: Now why you staring me?? Goo!! (she showed him the direction of door by using her index finger. He rolled his eyes)

Virat: I don't want to go Wifie

Sai: What?? And tell me why you don't want to go??

Virat: If I don't want to go then also I have to clarify myself ohh god (he slapped his forehead)

Sai: Just go!!

Virat: Okay I'm going (he goes away and sai smiles. After five minutes Sunny enters in cabin. He knocked on the door)

Sai: Come in!! (he comes inside)

Sunny: Hey Bhabhi jii aren't you getting bored sitting here alone??

Sai: No Sunny Bhaiya I'm not actually there are some files whom I'm checking, see (she showed him the file. He sat in the chair that is infront of her)

Sunny: Yaa ofcourse I can see but let's take some break (she puts the file down at table and looked at him)

Sai: But I think only five minutes has passed isn't it??

Sunny: Hehehe (he rubbed the nape of his neck)


Driver is driving the car and Virat is sitting in passenger seat. He was listening to songs with earphones in his ears. Driver speed up the car and due to this his phone fallen.

Virat: Why are you driving car so fast, slow down man (he scolded but driver didn't listened. He got angry) you are fired!! (he said angrily and looked at driver's face from mirror) Vihaan!!

Vihaan: Yes me!! You snatched my love from me and see now I'm going to snatch away your life

Virat: Vihaan stop the car right now, you know what you are doing for this you can go behind bars too

Vihaan: You don't have the need to care about me Virat just chill and hug your death

He tried to stop him but he didn't stopped and the car gone towards hills before it falls down from cliff vihaan jumped opening his side door leaving Virat in car and the car fallen from the cliff and then blast.


Sai: Sunny bhaiya I feel very strange I feel as if something very bad is about to happen

Sunny: Don't worry Sai Bhabhi everything will be fine you (he looked at here and there) you have some water (he filled water for her in glass. He gives her the glass filled with water. A strong wind blew and the photo-frame of Sai &Virat fallen and gets broken. She placed the glass on table and sit on her knees to take that photo-frame)

Sai: It's.... It's broken

Sunny: Sai Bhabhi you may get hurt see there were glass pieces please stood up (Sai looked at him)

Sai: Sunny Bhaiya I want to talk to Virat (tears filler in her eyes)

Sunny: Okay okay I will call him but please you stood up from there

Sai: No no no firstly call him

Sunny: Okay fine (he took out his phone from his pocket and dialed Virat's number) Sai Bhabhi phone is not reachable

Sai: Please do something Sunny Bhaiya I really want to talk to him

Sunny: I will listen everything but firstly stand up (he holds her from her shoulders and made her stand. He made her sit on chair. His phone ranged) see it's Virat call (after listening he get shocked and the phone slipped away from his hand)

Sai: W..What happened?? (he is still in shock. She shakes him) Sunny Bhaiya I'm asking you what happened?? What did Virat said?? Please say something I am getting tensed

Sunny: Virat's car has fallen down from the cliff, he is admitted in xyz hospital. Police called to inform us because the last number he dialed is my (sai gets shocked)

Sai: Fallen from cliff?? (she didn't waited for him and ran to go hospital. When she reached hospital she asked receptionist about Virat. She told her the ward number. She stands infront of the gate of operation theatre. She sat on the bench with a thud voice. Sunny, Aarohi and Veer reached there)

Aarohi: Sister-in-law

Sai: Aarohi Vira.....(she starts sobbing. She hugs her and started rubbing her back)

Aarohi: Shh.... nothing will happen to him okay please be strong

Sai: He don't want to go Aarohi but I.....(her hiccups start. Veer sat beside her)

Veer: Hey Sissy please (he caressed her hairs)

Sunny: Sai Bhabhi nothing will happen to Virat (doctor come outside)

Veer: Doctor how is Virat jiju??

Sunny: Is everything okay (Sai brokes the hug with Aarohi and looked at doctor)

Doctor: We are waiting for him to get conscious under twenty-four hours otherwise we can't say anything. Excuse Me!! (he left and here Sai can't able to believe those words that doctor said and tears again starts flowing from her eyes. Veer comes near her and sat on his knees. He holds her both hands)

Veer: Sai just don't believe what doctors said just believe in the one who given us life. Only he can decide whom to give life and whom to death without him not a single leaf can move, so just believe Him (he wipes her tears)

Sai: But Veeru what if......

Sunny: Don't think any negative thing Sai Bhabhi (Sai nodded)

Aarohi: Nothing will happen to Big Bro Sister-in-law, he can't leave us like this

Sunny: Where is Uncle and Aunty??

Aarohi: I didn't informed Mom and Daddy about Big brother's accident. Mom is a heart patient, she can't able to bear it

Sai: It's okay we will inform them later


After twenty-two hours

Sunny: Sai Bhabhi come let's eat something

Sai: Thank you Sunny Bhaiya but I'm not starving so please

Veer: The one who always ask for food after every two hours saying that she didn't want anything

Sai: This time the food isn't going to gulp down from my throat Veer

Veer: But.....(sunny put his hand on Veer's shoulder)

Sunny: It's okay Sai Bhabhi if you don't want anything right now then it's okay but after sometime you have to eat (veer is sad seeing her sister like this)

Veer (in mind): Pleasee God don't snatch my sister's happiness please give her Virat back

Sai goes inside the room and found Virat laying on bed with many wires attached. She sits on the stool that is placed there.

Sai: Please wake up naa sorry today I am the one who told you to leave right (she holds her ears) I promise in future I will not repeat this (tears made their way from her eyes. She holds his hand) please wake up (a drop of tear fell on his hand and he moved his hand. She noticed it and immediately stands up) Virat !!

He slowly opened his eyes and both of them looked at each eachother. They shared an eyelock about two minutes.


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