Chapter 1

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Three Years later...

"I miss you so much baby"

"I miss you too babe"

"What are you doing?"

"I'm supposed to be studying for a test in my African Studies class"

"And why are you stalling" she asked leaning her head on her hand. They were on FaceTime as he was laying in bed with no shirt on and gray sweatpants.

"I'm not I just took a break"

"Mhm for how long, we've been on the phone for 2 minutes"

"It's been exactly 10 minutes"

"How long of a break are you taking?"

"An hour" Ambers mouth dropped.

"That's a nap not a break"

"I'm sorry baby but I'm tired, all I've been doing is reading all day"

"How are your classes?"

"Good, i have an 80% average"

"That's good do you need help in any classes?"

"I will when we start our new unit in math, I can't wait for the summer"

"I know and we'll be together again"

"Just you me and Z"

"And you can see me, Tiffany and Naya's apartment"

"Doesn't Sarah live there too?" Amber shook her head.

"She stays the night a lot, but you know we only have 4 rooms and one of them is Zahirs"

"Yeah I know, how is lil man?"

"Getting grown, I think he thinks he's the parent and I'm the child" Lucas laughed.

"He does he told me not to have too much fun when I left last time because he hears aunt Christina say it to us so much"

"He told me to make good choices and kissed my forehead before he left for school this morning" Lucas laughed. "I am not his child he is 5"

"He's 5 going on 50"

"I don't know who he gets it from"

"Not me"

"Probably me" Amber watched as he turned his head when someone walked in his room.

"Wassup DC"

"Hi DC!" Amber greeted from the phone.

"Is that Amber?" DC asked and Lucas nodded sitting up in bed. "Hey sis"

"Hi, how are you?"

"I'm good"

"How are classes"

"They're good mom" he responded as he changed his clothes.

"Where are you going?" Lucas asked.

"To a party, you wanna come?"

"Uh... nah I shouldn't I have too much studying to do"

"Aw, that's good baby your studies come first" he smiled at the proud look on Ambers face.

"Well you have fun studying I'm going to go find me a girl to get nasty with" he started dancing and Lucas turned his camera around so Amber could see him and she started laughing.

"DC needs to stop sowing his wild oats before he has a little oat running around"

"Uh Uh, I have protection" he pulled out a condom"

Both of Us || Amber Riley and Lucas ColyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon