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Frost: just what is this.......
Zeldris: ........ *that's just like the same thing that happened to me as a kid it's his magic of demon power doesn't he remember the black thing moves and protects *
So this happened before huh
Frost: mmmm
Black: it's because he's getting used to his demon ways again you all have to remember he spent 4000s years up in the surface and you don't know what's he's been through I've barely made it up there
Zeldris: hopefully he doesn't mind this -puts hand on head and shows everyone the memories-

Frost: so they started messing with you guys too huh.....
Rose: yes it happened to the fairy kingdom and to the giants clan as well just what do they want and what are they trying to accomplish
Frost: hmmm.......we'll who ever they are have a lot of anger in them for some reason......just who started all this......
King; well it can't be the demon clan no offense
Frost: none taken
Rose: but it happened before the whole holy war and they went into hiding for some reason but when all clans went against each other......
Frost: well not everyone really there is still some together and working together
King: your right about that....but one thing for sure they think all the demons are sealed
Frost: so meaning they think I'm sealed away as also
Rose: I keep forgetting your one of the top ones
Frost: it's okay I get that alot but they need to be out to an end
Erika: they are collecting objects of power a special one so you guys look out cause I mean
Frost: you should look out too Erika you are a Greek after all
Erika: thanks Frost
Frost: so what do you mean by objects
Erika: they already have one......and I saw with
My own eyes of them sticking there hands in there body like if they were a ghost and it's like they collect the soul.......and that's not all Frost the key for the demon's surprising the key to that also
All: way......
Frost: how can that be if it's made especially for the demons seal
Erika: don't know but someone who made it must of been there to see it
Frost: I see.......but that's not all is it there's another copy isn't there
Erika: yes.....connect the 2 together you have another key
But they don't know it yet
Rose: wouldn't it be dangerous for Frost to have it
King: no cause he is the only one that can touch that version of it unless your a demon.....remember Frost isn't a normal demon nor his brother just cause there from the demon king there's something else that no one knows
In that ear how did frost create something so fast
Frost: hmmm.....
I don't know if you ask me

A bit later after discussing

Frost: all of you stay safe okay
We don't know if they'll hide again or plan anything any time soon......
Erika/Rose/King: Right and you too your one of the
Frost: I know what I am you don't have to remind me.......

Frost: -after walking- what's calling me......
???: hehehe so you must be the demon king
Frost: Hah......what are you talking about
????: you have the appearance of the demon king when he was small before
Frost: I don't know what your talking about
???: nah can't be him your voice sounds childish did he have a family that mark
Frost: ?!
-in fight mode and dodges attack-
????: you can't be the demon kings family cause he only had one son
Frost: *just what is going on son but he has 3* I'm sorry for this but

Frost: just what did he mean by his only son....
The Crystal cave.....the human world is weird.....-sees- what the.......I see so he's the eldest of all of us but how is he alive then......and it seem like father knew what he was not to save him....

Come out I know someone is watching
???: so your the one -laughs then disappears-
Frost: Wha.....

Frost: mmmm
Zeldris: -stops-
Mira: just what was that......and that person must be out again.....
Zeldris: I wonder what he meant your the one
Ban: the power you know how that Greek girl was and what they told that means your just like your big brother
Zeldris: his fever is down
Frost: why are we still in the same spot has it been a minute
All: Ahhh......*weve been standing here this whole time*

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