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After finding the thing and teleporting there Zeldris said it's not an's a person that turns out to be no other than......Frost

Frost: what are you guys doing here
Zeldris: we've came to take you back
Ban: -teleports his body-
Frost: ?!
I don't know what's been going around here but I know something happened
Kaeya: you've seen so different now Frost
Frost: it's understandable as to why cause of it being my own power I know more of the truth of my powers but if I were to go back I know he'll just fix me again cause of my emotions
but that's not the only thing is it........your looking for this thing aren't you on of my powers huh
Sheila: Your power just how much you have
Frost: -snaps his fingers- well they are in three different categories -shows the other two-
The power of Wrath
The power of the chaos demon
And my original power
-makes the other 2 disappear back in him- but this is what you detected huh
Zeldris: well I don't think it matter as long as we get you back
Frost: hmmm
Black: -growls still-
Frost: something entered here......
Mira: did you just avoid what we all said
Frost: I think you guys should stay really quiet....Black go small I'll be fine
Black: -goes tiny and starts to run-

????: hmmm isn't this where this is supposed to be
???: your right but I  don't see anything to make money off of
???: is that what your really thinking about what about our homes if we can.....something is here

Frost: ?! know what to do
Sheila: what's going on
Frost: just watch they aren't anything I know of.....

Lily: stop this right now you fools
???: your majesty

Frost: ?!
Zeldris & the others: ?!

Lily: did you forget the person that I used to love he own this place I know he does
???: you may be born again as a vampire but how do you know if he's alive
Lily: I just know he is now come out I know your here -destroys rocks-

All: ?!
Lily: so you've been here huh Frost
Frost: -looks away- it's been awhile huh Lily but I've moved on why are you still
Lily: I want what you have
Frost: sorry but no.......none of this wouldn't have happened this way if it were for us or more of you
All: ?!
Frost: how long are you going to fake it -shows thing-
Lily: you! WHEN
Frost: when I let you go
Zeldris: ........
Frost: you should all leave you aren't allowed here....-raises hands and lily's group left-
Sheila: you said all of us.....why are we and them still here
Frost: ........-stares at them-
Zeldris: you guys should calm down now.....I know that look in his eyes and that's the look when he doesn't want to hear what we say
Frost: you always know me well but that doesn't mean I'll go with you guys easily
Even if you don't think I have a choice I know most of the time I don't
Black: -growls at them-
Frost: it's okay Black I know they have nothing else to do with the thing 
Mira: why are you so calm
Frost: just tired
Zeldris: of course but that's no excuse you are in the state where you won't listen to anyone even them
Frost: my my you figure huh
Zeldris; you guys can fight him if you want I know when not to
Mira: I'm with you on that
Ban: ugh yea
Sheila: backing out right away huh....well then he means he's ours
Kaeya: I don't think so Sheila the demons all backed away from him like they knew what was going to happen
Gray: your right about that what are they up
Frost: -smiles-
Sheila: hmmm
Frost: -hands moves-
Sheila: Huh?!
When did I
Gray: Sheila?! When did she
Frost: my power ain't for sell
You think it's easy huh think again I'm never easy to be dealt with even though I've recently woken up as a spirit through I do want my body back
Zeldris: then you better take it
Frost: .......
You were always like that......that's for sure so I ain't dreaming anymore huh
Mira: did you think we were a dream this whole time
Frost: well I mean we are in the cave of dreams after all
All: ?!
Frost: so many anything is possible but that's if you know how to work it right black
Black; that's right
All: ?!
Mira: did you just talk.......
Black: indeed I did in this place I can do anything I want since I'm the one that rules that cave of dreams but I've always been on Frost side since I watched over both of you
Frost & Zeldris: .........
Black: but we should get your body back j think it healed completely now from 3 years ago
Frost: I think so too besides I'm just a spirit of Frost emotions and feelings after all

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