What's got his panties in a twist?

After I failed at attempting to bribe Ms.Comer, Reece insisted we check out our new room. The whole way here, was absolute hell. We argued over the whole boy-girl thing, along with which side of the room we each got, and who got to take over the bathroom. At first I figured, they mistook me for male, because of my name, but when Reece's tour guide was super excited to show us our room, I knew this wasn't a mistake.

There was just no absolute way I could stay in this kind of environment. I heard it was unhealthy to live like this. Maybe Ms.Comer will cut me some slack if I tell her my home life is terrifyingly sad. Then again, she'll probably just roll her eyes and ask me to leave. Like usual.

She needed some glitter in her life too.

I slammed my head into my pillow and groaned as loud as I could. Although it probably wasn't very loud considering my voice was muffled.

Stupid Reece.

Stupid Ms. Comer.

Stupid Reece.

Maybe a shower was what I needed.

I kicked off my shoes and crouched down at my unpacked suitcase. Once I collected my shower necessities, I headed towards the door on Reece's side of the room.

I stripped out of my sweaty clothes and turned on the shower. Before I let the water get warm, I hopped in. The hairs on my arms stood up at the initial shock of ice-cold water against my sweaty skin. I picked up the bottle of strawberry scented shampoo that I brought from home, and even though I thoroughly washed my hair numerous time, I couldn't get the feel of sweat out of it.

I don't know if I could get used to this heat. I don't appreciate frizzy hair, sticky clothes, and a sweaty face.

I stepped out the shower, and used the cotton white towel hanging on the wall. I'm pretty sure it belonged to Reece, but I don't think he'd mind if I borrowed it.

I wrapped it around my damp body, and dried myself off. I slipped on a pair of dark-washed jeans, and a light blue v-neck. I pulled my light brown locks into a loose bun and applied a light amount of makeup.

I stared at my reflection in the mirror. I wouldn't consider myself ugly, but I surely wasn't all that. I examined my emerald eyes, that my sister Macyn, my brother Cooper, and I all inherited from our mother. It was definitely my best feature with my tanned skin coming in with a close second.

When I opened the bathroom door, all the fog had followed me out. It was when I waved my hands around clearing my vision, that I realized Reece was back. His presence startled me, but I kept my silence observing him.

He was sitting on his newly made bed, staring at the wall. He had on a pair of khaki pants and a button down. The way his eyebrows were scrunched together, and his jaw was clenched, I could tell something was wrong, but I pushed that thought away, when I focused on his structure. He doesn't fail to take my breath away.

In one of his large hands, he was holding onto a white piece of paper, in the other hand was a black pen.

Hm, that's interesting.

"What's that?" I asked obviously startling him.

His head turned to my direction as I caught him off guard. His eyes stayed glued on me as he stood up. "Here," he stuck the paper out handing it to me, "Sign it."

Without hesitation, I took the piece of paper, and smoothed it out between my fingers, and began to skim my eyes over it. "There, I've done my part" Reece said clenching his jaw even tighter, if that's possible.

What's his problem?

He had somehow gotten Ms. Comer to make an exception, and switch me out of the dorm room. All I had to do was simply sign the paper and I'd be gone from Reece for forever.

"Considering you haven't touched your stuff yet, it won't be a problem moving it out." He says softly scratching the back of his neck.

This was good, great actually. I never had to associate with Reece ever again. I wouldn't have to wake up to him, and wait hours from him to get out the shower. I could decorate my new room however I wanted. This is exactly what I wanted, but for some reason I couldn't get myself to sign the paper.

"Here I have a pen for you to use-"

I cut him off by shaking my head, and giving the paper back to Reece. "I'm fine staying"

Reece cocked his head to the side and his eyebrows scrunched together, "but you made a big fuss about it. I-I thought this was what you wanted."

great, look what you got yourself into.

"Yeah, but it'd be such a hassle to move to another room"

Reece opened his mouth, and closed it, before he pointed behind me. "You haven't unpacked yet, nor have you even made your bed"

"Maybe, I like to sleep on an unmade bed."

He was obvious that he didn't believe that at all. "No one likes to sleep on just a mattress."

I raised my brow. "Well, my arms are sore, and I don't wanna walk all the way across campus"

He seemed to be thinking about it really hard, and it was like a light bulb went off in his head because his blank stare quickly turned into a smirk. "it's because you wanna live with me"

I rolled my eyes. "don't flatter yourself"

"you find me attractive, just admit it"

I squinted my eyes, "oh please, self centered douche bags just aren't my type"

"Fine" he smirking holding his hands up, with the paper and pen in his hands. "if you don't wanna leave because you're attracted to me then you're more than welcome to stay"

I shook my head. "I'm not attracted to you, so get over it"

"Oh, but you are princess " he smirked before walking over to the door, and opening it, but quickly turned his head back towards me. "this is going to be such a great year" he winked then walked out the door closing it behind him.

Great job Blake, you dug yourself a hole that you can't get out of.


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