Logging back into her account, she took a deep breath in as the first picture she saw was of Jaemin.



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Na.jaemin0813 I'll wait forever if i have to.

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Ye.se_l did you miss me?

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As a remix of one of Taeyeon's new songs blared on the speakers, she danced to her hearts contempt with Jeyi who she had successfully stolen away from Jungwoo as he went outside for a smoke.

"I N V U!" the two girls screamed in the crowd of people as they danced on each other, you would've thought they were a couple if you didn't know them.

"Are you enjoying it?" Yeseul asked Jisung as he downed a jäger shot with Yedam and Minhyuk and he scrunched his face at the burning taste of the shot before nodding his head with a bright smile

"I'm gonna go outside for some fresh air" she said to Jeyi as Jungwoo returned and she nodded

"Stay safe and keep your phone on ring" Jeyi said and she nodded as she made her way through the crowd

The cold air hit her skin and she shuddered immediately, hairs sticking up on her skin but it was refreshing.

She walked towards streetlight, getting away from the sound of disco music that was making her headache pound

She approached a figure who was leaning against the light, an unlit cigarette in his mouth.

"Not gonna smoke that?" She asked and he looked at her through his hair, shoving his phone into his pant pocket

"Not gonna smoke that?" She asked and he looked at her through his hair, shoving his phone into his pant pocket

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(God help me)

"Uh...i quit a few months ago" he said and she nodded, he probably kept a cigarette with him in his mouth for the feeling still.

"Bad habits, they keep you in a chokehold" he said as he watched her lean against the compound wall across from him.

"You come here alone?" He asked and she shook her head

"Nope, my friends are just in a better mood than me today" She said and he chuckled

"You can't dress like that and not be in a good mood" he said and she laughed

"What's up with you?" He asked, moving away from the street lamp to lean against the wall with her. They had exchanged names and soon stories, giggling to each other as they enjoyed each other's company. He was tired and didn't link her name Yeseul to the Yeseul Jaemin had moped about. She was too drunk to realise that Jeno was Jaemin's best friend Jeno, mainly due to his dark black hair.

"You uh...wanna head back to my place for a few drinks?" He asked and she nodded with a shy smile.

"You're not afraid of bikes are you?" He asked as he approached his parked motorcycle

"You sure you can drive? You're not drunk right?" She asked

"Nope, i only had a beer or two, plus i have way better scotch at home" he said and she judged him silently

"Why? What's up with the look?" He asked raising an eyebrow and boy was he hot.

"Scotch is terrible" she said

"Ah so you're a cheap vodka girl" he said making fun of her and she giggled, too caught up by his facial features to make a sentence to retaliate what he had said

He got onto his bike and helped her up, giving her his jacket to tie around her waist since she was in a short skirt

"You good?" He asked, passing her the helmet

"You're the one driving, keep it on" she said, wrapping her arms around his torso, resting her face into the crook of his neck, the whiff of his strong cologne infiltrating her nose.

"Alright, don't make me pay for health insurance though" he said and she chuckled, a small surprised scream exiting her mouth followed by giggles as he drove onto the roads.

He drove at a slower pace than he normally would to reduce the chance of them both getting hurt, disregarding her whines for him to drive faster.

"You better stop doing that, don't distract the driver" he said, his voice muffled through the helmet as she planted open mouth kisses on his neck

"My bad, i just cant wait to ride you" she said, half drunk, half sober. She did mean it though. Jeno was hot and the thoughts she had imagining him on top of her was hotter.

It was that sentence that had the boy speeding to his apartment.

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