Getting Back To Hogwarts

Start from the beginning

"Uh, Ron?" I called out and they both looked at me. "I think I should tell you that Muggles aren't accustomed to seeing a flying car." I pointed out as we flew over London. I worried about the people below.

"Uh, right!" Ron stated nervously. He clicked a small silver button on the dash and the car turned invisible.

He was a bit nervous at first but the longer we flew the easier handling the car got for Ron. We flew up high in the cloud bank, which was a pretty sight for the most part. The blue sky was clear and yet we could still kind of see down below us as Harry and I scoured the ground for the Hogwarts Express. Suddenly we could see the blue hood of the car again. Ron pressed the button over and over and nothing happened.

"Oh, no." Ron groaned. "The invisibility booster must be faulty." As he spoke his voice cracked. Clearly it was beginning to change.

"Well, come on, then, let's go lower." Harry suggested.

"We need to really try and find the train." I agreed.

"Okay." Ron nodded.

He cranked the car into gear and we began to descend towards the ground. We finally found the tracks and now we just needed the train. Ron flew the car along them.

"Now, all we need to do is catch up with the train." Harry explained.

"We can't be that far behind." I pointed out. We all looked ahead and heard a train whistle. Making us all smile together.

"Do you hear that?" Harry and I asked excitedly.

"We must be getting close." Ron agreed.

The sound of the train chugging got louder and louder, but it was nothing but clear tracks in front of us. This made the three of us gulp and look at each other.

"Hang on." Harry said.

Arwen and Hedwig chirped and their eyes widened. The three of us turned in our seats looking back at the incoming train which was chugging along quickly. It was almost at the back of the car and we all screamed.


Ron jerked the wheel to the left and the car veered off the tracks. He had pulled so hard that the car was off balance and begun to spin around in the air as it went underneath a bridge for the train. None of us had stopped screaming, and suddenly it got even worse. Just as Ron was about to balance the car, the passenger side door opened and I fell out of it.

"AHH!" I screamed ever harder. I grabbed ahold of the car handle with one hand tightly, desperately trying to reach up and grab with my other hand.

"Ahh, Olivia!" Harry and Ron screamed in fear.

"Hold on!" Ron shouted desperately.

The car tilted to the side even more as they both tried to reach down and grab me. We hovered over the train and the smoke from the pipe filled the air around us.

"Olivia, grab on!" Harry shouted. He tried to reach down for me without falling out himself. I tried to reach up with my other hand but I missed. "Come on, Liv. You can do it."

"Oh, god. This is going to be how I die!" I shrieked. I tried again and grabbed Harry's hand. He tried to pull but he couldn't get me up all the way.

"I need help!" Harry shouted. Ron leaned over farther, with one hand on the steering wheel.

"Hold on, Olivia. Take my hand!" He yelled.

"I'm trying!" I yelled back at him. I let go of the door to try and swing my hand up to Ron's. I grabbed it easily, but then I slipped. Leaving only Harry holding onto the seat and me. "Ahh!" I screamed again.

The Potter Twins: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now