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Early Saturday morning, before the Quidditch game against Hufflepuff. We had been walking back towards the Common room so Harry could get ready after eating breakfast.

"Kill. Kill." The voice whispered again making Harry and I stop in our tracks.

"There's that voice again." Harry stated heavily unhappy. "I still don't understand why only, Liv and I can hear it. And you two can't."

I frowned and everything seemed to click in brain. The snake design on the sink, the dead girl fifty years ago, Tom Riddle, being a parselmouth. I gasped and grabbed Hermione's arm.

"What?" She asked quickly.

"Liv, what's wrong?" Ron asked along side my concerned brother.

"I think I've begun to understand something! We need to go to the library straight away!" I said hurriedly.

"What about us!" Ron shouted as Hermione and I turned on our heels.

"Get Harry to the Quidditch game on time! I'll explain later!" I shouted as we ran around the corner.

"I don't get it, what did she understand?" Harry asked Ron as they continued to the Common Room.

"Loads more than I do." Ron said as he shook his head.

"But why do they have to go to the library?" Harry questioned.

"Because that's what Olivia does. Same with Hermione. When in doubt, go to the library." Ron shrugged.

I ran down the corridor's listening for the voice when Hermione tugged my arm.

"What did you figure out?" She asked excitedly.

"We're book worms, Hermione. We study every subject because it's fascinating to us! We need a certain magizoologist book. One with feared beasts. I read one once. Doesn't it all make sense to you? Harry and I hear a voice that only we can hear?" I asked excitedly as we continued down the corridor. We ran into the library and began looking through books. Book after book.

"I've got it!" Hermione exclaimed. "Here! Here it is!" She ran next to me and we sat at the table scanning the page she showed. "That's why you can hear it, why Harry can hear it. That mysterious voice. It has to be a snake! The Heir of Slytherin could control a creature like that. The creature has to be this one, a Basilisk." She tapped on the page showing me.

"Many fearsome beasts roam this land, there is none more curious or deadly then the Basilisk. The snake has deadly venomous fangs, but aside from that, a basilisk has a murderous stare, and all who are fixed with the beam of it's eyes shall suffer instant death. Spider's flee before it. It all fits." I said excitedly.

"Hmm, but if you meet it's glare and die... Why is it no one's dead?" Hermione tapped her chin as she paced. "Oh, my goodness! Because no one did look it in the eye, not directly! Every time there's been water on the floor, which also explains how it's getting around. It's using the pipes!"

"That's why when we hear the voice it always sounds like it's in the walls. And Nearly Headless Nick didn't die, because a ghost can't die twice. Hermione, I also have a hunch about where the Chamber is... You know how a girl died fifty years ago? Well, what if she never left? The sinks in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. I noticed one of them has a snake symbol embedded on the faucet. But all the other's don't." I quietly explained with enthusiastic excitement.

"That's brilliant! We're brilliant, Olivia! Now, we need something to be able to look around corners. Just to be safe." Hermione pulled out her wand and conjured up a mirror. "This should do it."

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