Stuck In A Cage

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It had been a quiet summer evening in the Dursley household. They were expecting guest and Harry and I were being made to stay upstairs. We didn't mind so much, but after a long summer without a single letter from our friends. We'd begun to wonder if maybe we'd imagined the entire year last year. The only thing keeping our hopes up, were the fact that we had a cage with our two snowy white owls inside it. Hedwig, white with black speckles and Arwen, with silver speckles. Our wands, and our trunks that were pushed under each of our beds.

Harry and I sat at our shared desk in our shared bedroom, that was much better than our previous cupboard under the stairs. At least we each had our own twin bed to lay on. But anyway, we sat at the desk looking through the wonderful photo album our giant friend Hagrid gave us at the end of last year. The pictures were wonderful and best of all they moved. Harry flipped the book to the first page. The picture was of the two of us a toddlers with our parents. Holding hands and waving at the camera. I flipped the page and sadness overflowed as I looked longingly at the picture of us and our very best friends. Smiling and laughing.

Boy, I really missed Ron and Hermione. Harry and I had grown quite a bit over the summer. We weren't the scrawny homeless looking kids anymore. Harry was a bit taller, still had his circular glasses, his hair was still just as unruly as ever. I was taller too, and my strawberry colored hair started to darken at the roots, just like my mother's. Ever since we had gotten home from school, Harry picked on me constantly. Saying I had a crush on Ron and all that. I always denied him though, because it was true. I was too young to have a crush. And I quite honestly wasn't sure what I felt for Ron. I knew for sure he was my best friend in the entire world, right next to Hermione Granger. Someone I could count on to always be there for me no matter what.

As I was lost in thought, and Harry was gazing at the photo album. Our owls chirped. Arwen placed her beck on the bars and shook the cage loudly. That snapped me out of it and we both turned around.

    "We can't let you out, Arwen. Or you Hedwig." I scolded our birds slightly as it wasn't really their fault. I stood up and tried my best to comfort them threw the cage, only for Arwen to nip my finger. "Ouch." I hissed and placed my finger to my mouth.

    "She's right." Harry reminded them. "We're not allowed to do magic outside of school."

But the birds didn't stop tugging at the door telling us they wanted out.

    "If you two don't stop it, Uncle Vernon will hear you and we'll get in big trouble." I scolded them again.

    "Harry and Olivia Potter!" Uncle Vernon's voice boomed from downstairs as the cage rattled louder. Harry and I cringed.

    "Now you two have done it." Harry scolded them on his way by to our door.

We took a deep breath and quietly made our way down the stairs, past our old cupboard and into the kitchen. Aunt Petunia was humming happily to herself as she placed the finishing touches on her cake for their dinner party tonight. She was wearing a fancier dress than normal, apparently some business people from Uncle Vernon's work were coming. It was very important.

    "He's in there." Aunt Petunia said quietly, hardly paying us any notice. "Vernon."

Harry and I walked through the door and into the living room. Uncle Vernon and Dudley were standing in the middle of the room as he worked on Dudley's bow tie. Both of them were wearing fancy suits.

    "I'm warning the both of you now. If you can't control those bloody birds, they'll have to go." Uncle Vernon warned.

    "But they're bored." Harry defended our pets. "If we could only let them out for an hour or two..."

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