The Writing On The Wall

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"Hey, Harry? Can I ask you something?" I asked as we walked towards detention. This was the first time in a while I'd really had a chance to be alone with him.

"Of course." Harry nodded.

"What's up with you lately?"

"What do you mean?" He frowned, clearly confused.

"I just mean all summer you picked on me about possibly liking Ron. And then after we got to the Burrow you started acting funny." I pointed out. "Mostly after Fred and George started the little Ron and Olivia chant."

"I don't know what your talking about, Liv." Harry shrugged.

"Oh, come on. I know you way better than that. Why does it bother you? You know I don't fancy Ron."

"Liv, please. Just drop it." He sighed.

"Harry, I swear to Merlin if you don't tell me why this bothers you so badly..."

"Because Olivia!" Harry exploded. "When I did it, it was all fun and games. I knew you didn't have feeling for him. But now I'm not so sure. He's my best friend and so are you, and you two are best friends. It would be weird if something happened between you two and then I'd be forced to choose." He said and sheepishly dragged his foot across the ground as we'd stopped to talk in the empty corridor. "I-I'm just worried about it, okay? You seem like you like him and sometimes it makes me jealous. I'm so used to having you all to myself, the thought of having to share you with someone, well, it bothers me."

"Oh, Harry." I sighed sympathetically. "I don't understand, though. Why does it bother you?"

"Because, Liv. For 11 years it was just you and me against the world. You've always needed me like I've needed you and it's become less with the more friends you gain. I can handle that part. But, i-if you were to date, anyone, not just Ron. I've just been afraid that I'd lose you. That you wouldn't need me anymore..."

"Harry James Potter, I will always need you. You're always going to be in my life no matter what. Twins, until the end of the line, remember? No one, not even a boyfriend could replace you. You're my big brother." I explained softly and hugged him tightly. Harry hugged me back just as tight.

    "Right. Twins to the end of the line. And I'm only two minutes older." He chuckled. "We promised to always be there for each other. I promise to always protect you to the best of my ability. But I need you to promise me something... If you do ever get feelings for Ron, or anyone for that matter. You'll tell me. And the same goes for me."

    "I promise, Harry. And as of right now, I don't know what I feel. Ron's my best friend like you said. So I can't tell yet what it is, but when or if I ever figure it out. Whether it's about him or someone else I'll tell you."

    "Good, and don't think I'd be against it if it was Ron." He teased. "I can see it now, Olivia and Ronald Weasley. I don't know if I'd be able to be your best man, though. I'd have to chose between you and Ron..."

    "Harry!" I groaned and he laughed running up the hallway. I shook my head and chased after him.

After our sweet little brother, sister moment, we made it to the DADA Classroom. Where Gilderoy was waiting. He set us up with his fanmail and made us help him answer the letters. Which got really annoying, really quickly. I was starting to think maybe this man cared more about his fame than anything else.

    "Harry, Harry, Harry." Professor Lockhart clicked his tongue. "Olivia, Olivia, Olivia. Can either of you possibly imagine, a better way to serve detention than by helping me answer my fanmail?"

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