✿ Mara

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The first time Giotto saw Amarantha's mother is at a party that Elena forced him to go with his guardians. The party is held by an another duke that is friend's with Elena's family. Giotto was searching for Elena with Deamon throughout the party when they saw her talking to a female with beautiful raven hair.

Mara was a timid yet an independent woman. She would the things that she knows that is right. Just like Elena, she hates the class system. That's how they somewhat become friends. Mara was talking with Elena when she felt someone is staring at her.

She look to see who it is and as if slow motion. The color blond of hair captivated her eyes. Beautiful and majestic orange sunset eyes were staring at her. Giotto held his breath when he saw beautiful honey-brown eyes look at him with kindness and happiness, her waist length hair flows like a waterfall behind her and shining,her glossy pink lips that looks so soft, it was breathtaking... It was love at first sight.

"Are you perhaps, Giotto?" A sweet voice ask him, snapping him out of his fantasy. He look at the raven head that was talking to Elena earlier. He didn't even noticed her. 'Her voice sounds lovely...' That's the first thought he had.

Mara smiled and reach out her hand, "Nice to meet you. My name is Mara." She introduced herself. Giotto blushed a little at the smile and nervously returned her handshake, "Giotto.."

They become friends and soon lovers with both of them loving each other with all their heart. Giotto always love it whenever Mara smiles at him, how she would run into his arms when she arrives at the mansion, how she would play with his hair and hug him, how kind she is. Mara sponsors a lot of healthcare and adoption center in italy with the help of her older sister, she wanted the people that can't be save by the government to be save. When she learned about Giotto's involvement on the underworld, she just smiled softly at Giotto and praised him, "You're doing it to protect the people.. Thank you.." She said and kiss him.

Sometimes Giotto wonder how he got this wonderful woman to be his. He buried his self on her chest. Wanting, wanting this time of them alone would be for forever, not wanting to let her go.

However, those times stopped when Mara's father found out their relationship. He's a duke that live for the class system, he hates commoners because they are are lower than him and filthy. He locked her up on her room to make her rethink her decisions. He plans on making her a useful kid to betrothed her to another dukes' sons.

Unlike Elena and Deamon, they are both aristocrats so they're love is not unlikable. However, Mara is an aristocrat, a daughter's duke. Giotto is a commoner. Its a love that is unlikeable in that society.

Giotto was devastated when he heard about it from Elena who heard it from Mara's older sister. He can attack the house of the duke with the Vongola but he knew that would make the future worsen and Mara to perhaps hate him. Elena gave a suggestion of him getting a title. Since Giotto's family is already powerful enough to have a title. However, Giotto despise class system and they knew that every much. They were shock when Giotto agree. If its for Mara he would do that.

On Mara's side, she plans on talking to her father and older siblings. She's going to give up her title as the duke's daughter and go with Giotto. She made up her mind and that's her only answer to her father. She's the youngest child of the family, the 3rd. She's not needed in the family, she's not a heir. She's only born for her family to be alliance with another through marriage. She would rather die than being married to a man other than the love of her life, Giotto.

Her father was angry but her older brother stopped him from throwing a tantrum or hurt his beloved little sister. Mara's older sister immediately helped Mara pack her things and send her away. Saying that she and her older brother will take care of things here and go to her lover.

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