✿ Book

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A 13 year old Amarantha sat under the shade of a tree. Her orange eyes brightly sparkles with a little sadness, a gentle smile on her lips, and her raven hair being blown by the wind gently. She seems to be drawing something.

It's really hot today for some reason and she decided to wear a v-neck, circular cup sleeves peach colored silk dress, 1 petticoat layer with same color flower pattern but a little darker paired with peach colored ballerina flats. She smiled and continued to draw until she felt a presence near her. She look around and saw Raven hair that is flowing with the wind and beautiful steel eyes. A smile appeared on her lips.

"Kyo-kun." She said in acknowledgement. The older didn't said anything and sat beside her. Amarantha just smiled at the Cloud and continued to draw. Kyoya glanced at the drawing. Its a beautiful drawing of the scenery around. She drawing in a book, where she usually draws. Noticing how she positioned her legs, she's tired from dance lesson.

"Is the training hard today?" Amarantha ask. She put her brush and art materials beside her.

"With the Hitman-Carnivore, not really." Kyoya said. Amarantha just giggled, she knows its hard. Kyoya's pride just won't let him say that. She lift up the annoying and slippery part of her skirt. She look at Kyoya and pat her lap.

Kyoya seems to get the silent invitation. He knows her legs are tired right now but its Amarantha,she would be disappointed if he doesn't, he's the only one who put his head on that lap of her's. He give up his thoughts and slowly lay his head down on Amarantha's lap and relaxed.

"Kyo-kun is strong after all." Amarantha said in a soothing voice and smile. She put her hand on Kyoya's black locks and stroke it gently. For the past 2 years, they have been doing this.

Well, the first time was Kyoya forcing Amarantha to sit under the same tree and then lay his head on her lap. Because of her petticoat, its a little fluffy. She was a blushing mess that time but soon get used to it. Amarantha sweat at the memory.

The older seems to like the Japan culture as years pass. His mother is Japanese, so maybe that's why. A not really Strick Japanese woman. She's like Alaude, silent but fragile and smiles more. Kyoya's mother didn't die because of an attack like the others. His mother died because of a sickness, leaving the young Kyoya at the age of 6. Amarantha would be 4 years old by that time, so she never really saw his mother that much but she believes that his mother is really beautiful since she captivated her Uncle Alaudi's attention and affection, also, Kyoya is really beauti- handsome*cough* so she thinks of that and she concludes that he got his hair from his mother but 'like father, like son' is really true to its words.

She knew that Kyoya's mother have a picture on either his or Alaudi's office/room. Each Guardian of Primo have family pictures of their kids and wife on their office or room whenever they misses them. Amarantha also have a family photo on her room.

It's been 2 years, almost 3 years. Amarantha's birthday is nearing. The others are thinking of what to do on that day. Its Amarantha's 14th birthday, it's a special occasion for girls like her, since that is where they are gonna show their appearance and to find a good suitor...

But blood is inside people's body and that will be the one to greet them before they go on another life if they ever hit on Amarantha. The Vongola guardians sweared with their life. They are also panicking inside on who is gonna be the one that Amarantha chose to be her first dance.

Amarantha laugh weakly at the thoughts she has in her head. Kyoya opened one of his eye to see her laughing then close it again with a faint smile.

Soon, she heard a bird singing. She look up to see a little yellow bird flying its way to them. She lifted her right hand while the other continued to play with Kyoya's hair. The bird landed carefully on her index finger and started tweeting. She giggled, "I missed you too, Hibird." She smiled.

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