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We are back to Northfield. Stefan literally wheeled me straight to the hospital and got me registered for ante-natal immediately.

He wouldn’t listen to me no matter what I said.

“You’re moving in with me love.”

“What? No Stefan, I’m not having that. It is my decision to make, not yours.”

“I just want you to be more comfortable. I’m sorry if I made it sound controlling.”

“I understand you want to be here and responsible for three of us and I wouldn’t want anything else. I just need time to sort out my business too. If I move in to your place, at one point, you’ll still leave for New York. You seem to have forgotten about that.”

“You think I have not thought about that? I have it all planned out. But don’t worry about it. Take your time. Let’s go feed you”

“You seem to know I’m hungry. I ate barely three hours ago”

“It’s only natural. You have a life growing inside of you. The food is divided.”

“I want seafood” I whined

“You’ll get whatever you want love”

We headed to a seafood restaurant and got takeouts. I wanted to sit in and eat.

We were both at my apartment. I finished eating.

“I want to eat something else”

“The cravings are kicking in really early aren’t they?”

“Yeah, I guess but what I want isn’t food”

“What then?”

“I want you Stefan” I whispered as I looked down at my fingers

“Look me in the eye and tell me what you want, love. I’m up here.”

“I need you to make love to me, Stefan.”

As if waiting for permission all day, he kissed me senseless and took me right in my bed.

I had never been so determined about anything like this in life.
I was finally going to propose to Avie. The news of her pregnancy stirred up a new want in me. She’s carrying our baby and nothing made me happier than that. I had emailed the school about my decision to quit working there and I would only be working until a replacement is found.

If Avie thinks, I would let her stay here alone, I suppose she doesn’t know me well enough.

I’ve come to learn that Avie loved parks even at this age. We had gone one time to a park for a date. I was going to propose to her at an amusement park. I had made all the arrangements with Lisa.

I wanted one of her favorite people to be present there for her. I reached Lisa through Daniel. Daniel and I had exchanged numbers the night we had met in Minnesota.

I had wrapped something in a ribbon-tied box that Lisa would give to her. I texted her to come to the park as I had something to show her. I prepared a dress for her to put on.

A few minutes later, she was walking down toward the Ferris wheel.

“Stefan” she called out.

“The Ferris wheel lights suddenly turned on.

“I don’t know what you’re up to this time, but I think I already love it” she giggled.

I signaled Lisa to give her the box. Lisa walked out and quickly put the box in her hands.

“Wow. You are in on this too?” she said to Lisa.

Lisa walked backwards. And I appeared in sight. With a smaller box this time.

“Open the box in your hands” I said to her
She opened it to reveal the lingerie I ripped off months ago on our first encounter. Am I a pervert for holding on to that? Maybe, maybe not.

“Oh my God” she laughed

“You had this with you all along?” she blushed.

I got on one knee and open the box in my hand before her.

“Avie, from the moment our bodies touched, I knew for a fact I didn’t want to be anywhere else in this world but with you.

Luckily, fate brought you to me. And I’ll be damned if I misuse this opportunity. I don’t want to think of a moment in my future that has nothing to do with you, because I don’t see it.”

“Stefan” she whispered

“Will you marry me? Please?”


“You know, you can make a sentence with words right?” Lisa screamed excitedly

“I will. Yes, I will.” She was crying now.

“Is there anyone here in this gathering who objects to the union between these two? Speak now or forever hold your peace”

Some guests looked around. What were these people thinking?

The officiating Priest continued” you may now say your vows”

He took my left hand in his.

“Avie, I have heard of first loves, great loves, one true love and the likes. I may not have been your first love and I may not have known you until three months ago, what matters is that, I’ll be your one true love, your greatest love as you are my Numero Uno. Honest to God, I’ll piss you off a lot but I won’t ignore your feelings.
I will apologize for the things I cannot change and work on the things that can be changed.
I promise to make conscious efforts to not hurt you. I can’t tell you how many years I will love you for but I will love you for as long as I’m alive, effortlessly, because you make it so easy to love you.
I love you Avie. Always And Forever”

WHAT. JUST. HAPPENED? I couldn’t hold back how I felt and my hormones were really fucking with me.

I look up at Stefan with tears glistening in my eyes. I was to say my piece. I had written it out but soon forgotten after the emotions I just felt.

But I'm reminded by the quote Anna quoted in a 2010 rom-com movie titled LEAP YEAR and so I spoke

"May you never steal, lie, or cheat, but if you must steal, then steal away my sorrows, and if you must lie, lie with me all the nights of my life, and if you must cheat, then please cheat death because I couldn't live a day without you Stefan.

I continued, this time from my heart.

"I've not known a time when I haven't loved you. Whether it was love at first sight or the event that brought both of us together." I giggled and he laughed

"And now, I promise to give you my all, my love and to share my life with you. Because I wouldn't want it any other way" I slipped the ring into his finger.

The officiating priest spoke
"I now pronounce you man and wife."

Stefan closed the gap between us and kissed me like it was his first and last time. So passionately.

"And you may kiss the bride" everyone laughed

He picked me up as he walked towards his Porsche. April had the door opened, smiling so brightly. He put me in and got in his side of the seat. The engine roared to life and away to our honeymoon we went.

A/N: Sue me. I know you want to. I really rushed this book because I wanted it to be a short story so we can all move on and stuff but I will be dropping a bonus chapter only if y'all want it. So if you desire a bonus chapter, please let me know in the comment section and also Vote on this.

Love, Lee

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