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He rubbed my clit with his thumb slowly in circular motion.
God! These hands will be the death of me.

“Aahhhh” I whimpered
“You make a sound and it’s over baby”
“That’s not fair!” I whined
“Hehe. I’ve never been fair. I do what I want” he smirked again

Then before I can say anything, he slips two fingers inside me
I shut my eyes from the surprise and pleasure

“You take my fingers so well, don’t you?”
“Stefan” I moaned
“I like it when you say my name like that” as he quickened the pace

This was feeling too god. He pulled his fingers out and I groaned in disappointment

“Don’t pout.” He warned

He then brought his lips to my warmth and plunged his tongue around my clit before pushing into me

“Fuck, Stefan” I pulled his hair. I couldn’t take it anymore. The tension was building up and I knew what was coming.

“I’m coming” I screamed and so he increased the speed of his tongue movement. To think it was possible to do that even faster

“Don’t hold back baby.”  He watched me as I twitched. He looked up to me, licking his lips.”

“You, woman, taste so fucking good” he came closer and kissed me.

“Why’d you stop? I thought we’d…”
“Shhh baby. We’ve got plenty of time” he hushed

This man right here is my vice. I thought.
I turned away from him.

“You’re hilarious. We’ve had sex, I just gave you head and the next thing you do is shy away from me?”

“I just never imagined my evening to go like this”

“Alright. Fair enough. ” he got up

“Are you gonna leave?”

“Do you want me to?”

“No. I just thought….”

“You’re always thinking…. Aren’t you?”

“I’m just gonna grab my phone and be right back, have you had dinner?”

“Yes. But I’m still hungry”

“Get up. Let’s go to my place. I’ll fix us something to eat.”

“You cook?”

“I would seriously act as though I didn’t hear that question.” He laughed
We left my place and went to his.

“What are you making?”

“How about pasta? I’m thinking Ravioli with chicken ribs.”

“Sounds great”

“Alright, make yourself at home. I’ll be right back.”

I sat back and opened Netflix to watch HELLBOUND. I heard that movie is sick but I’m not really a movie person so I couldn’t bring myself to sit through the whole 6 episodes. Just not me. I’d rather sit down for hours reading books. That was why I got into English lit in the first place. Books were my home. Even now, I can’t have enough of books.

Food was ready about 35 minutes later. At this time, it was past 9pm already. So we ate and tidied up the dishes.

“Wow! I haven’t had homemade meal in a while I had almost forgotten how awesome it feels. Plus, it tasted so good. I didn’t peg you to be quite the cook”

I’m a sexy bachelor with good looks, I turn you on most of the time, I fuck well, I’m a professor at 29 and I’m rich. There’s nothing I’m not good at. I’m the full package love”

“All of the time. And there isn’t such thing as ‘good at being rich’”

“What is all of the time?”

“You turn me on all of the time. But what baffles me is how you got into this major with this vulgar tongue of yours”

“Look at you judging. You’d be surprised the number of things this tongue can do. It can even do you”

“If you miss out on any opportunity that screams cocky, you wouldn’t be you”

“But you love my cock”

I cough.

“Honest to God, you need a filter for that mouth”

“My mo….”

“I swear to God Stefan, if you come up with another cocky statement, I’ll just go to bed and leave you here”

He went mute. His eyes still holding a smile.
“What do you think about next weekend? We have work over this weekend.”


“A date. Just us two”

“It’s always been us two though. Which brings me to ask, where are your family?”

“They all live in new York.”

Why are you so far away all down  here?
“I’m a runaway,”


“I basically ran away from home because I didn’t want to deal with my dad. He wanted me to take over his company and study business management. I did study business management and other related courses on his account but I don’t want to be his puppet. He’s controlling and I’m a rebel.”

“Wow. I didn’t see that coming. There is more to life than living it the way people want you to though. And it can hurt when the people you expect to cheer you on the path you take are the ones making you do something else you don’t want to.”

“I didn’t expect you to see it that way. I thought you would ask me to have agreed to what my dad wanted.”

“What matters is what you want as long as it makes you happy. I do get where your dad is coming from though. It would be a thing of pride to have his son take over something he has worked for all his life. He wouldn’t want to entrust it to other hands.”

“That’s a fresh perspective. I never thought of it that way. He was always so dominating, I didn’t think for once, he’d have a soft spot. I thought it was just his way of mapping my life out for me. But even if he’s bent on family, he could just give it to my sisters. Why else did he have three of us study business courses? Weren’t they his contingency plans? Anyway, enough of him, let’s talk about you”

“What about me?”

“Tell me about your family."

“Not as dramatic as yours’ for sure. Mum is a surgeon and dad is a lawyer. I’m the oldest of 3, I have a younger brother and sister; Noah and Amanda.

There was some disagreement while choosing my course of study but they couldn’t win against me and they dropped the case pretty early. They’re not troublesome”

“You must have been a model child.”

“Wrong. I was a delinquent. You don’t wanna know the things I did in high school”

“On the contrary, I want to”

“Another time. I’m sleepy.”

"You didn’t answer my question."

“Which one?”

“About the date.”

“Fine! We’ll go the next weekend.”

And so, he walked me back to my door.

“I’ll see you baby” he kissed me

“See ya” I blush and go in.

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