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To say I’m mortified would be an understatement. I can do better than the word mortified.

What does Stefan want? When our eyes met in his office earlier, I couldn’t believe my luck. This is what brings me to the conclusion that during one night stands, neither of the parties involved should be allowed to see the others faces. This way, there would be peace and order in the world.

What are the odds of meeting your one night stand just two weeks away from when you two met and he just happens to be the professor you’ll be working with. And he’s hot. And sexy. And hot.

Oh yeah did I mention he’s hot too? I did? Oh well you can’t blame a girl for being at a loss for words when it came to Stefan.
Good looks and cocky? Not usually my kind of luck in life.

I know what he meant when he said he kept thinking of me. I mean I was thinking of him just this morning, who am I kidding?
Anyways I try to just sprint through the events of the day and hope I can just run off to my apartment. That’s at least the one space I’ll be in without coincidentally meeting Stefan.

I leave work at 5pm. I grabbed dinner at the taco bell barely five minutes by driving before I headed home. Settling in after a move is a chore. I still haven’t gone grocery shopping not to talk about making myself a meal.

I got back home at about 5:35pm and I ate.
I called Lisa to rant to her. She’s the only one who would listen to me in this situation.

“Baby girrrrrrlllllll” she screamed

“Oh my god, Lisa. Thanks for wanting to rip my eardrums out”

“How is my favorite girl in the world doing?”

“I’m your favorite human”


“Don’t tell me”

“I’m not telling you anything”

“Lisa, spill it”

“God! Calm your titties down. I got a boyfriend”

“I’m gone for only a few weeks and you’ve landed yourself a boyfriend and you didn’t think to tell me about it?”

“But I just told you. It just happened though. I was going to tell you"

“I’m so happy for you baby. Your one night stands have finally come to an end”

“Oh my. You make it sound like I’m such a terrible person. You also had one and I saw the look in your eyes after. You couldn’t get him out of your head. Your eyes looked so dreamy.”

“Don’t tease me. I have to speak to you as regards that anyway” I blushed

“You are sounding as though you met your one night stand at Northfield.” She giggled

“…..” silence

“What the fuck? You actually did?”

“Just my luck”

“Luck? You? Who are you and what have you done to my best friend? You don’t believe in such things. Avery, I need the full gist. I’m coming over this very weekend alright? You better have all the info ready for me”

“You’ve always been so dramatic”

“Call me whatever you want. I’ll see you on the weekend baby girl”

And I hung up.

If anyone told me my life would be this eventful two weeks ago, I’d probably award the said person for being oddly sarcastic. Here I am, a few hours away from meeting my colleague at work who happened to be my one night stand.

Maybe it is not such a big deal to coincidentally meet someone like that under these circumstances but I would have you know I am a conservative being and anything outside the usual, is suddenly so much to handle coupled with the idea that I may be feeling more than I should for him.

I initially thought it was the sexual effect he had on me that made me that attracted to him that much but who am I kidding? I’m not a child and I don’t have a habit of ignoring my feelings either. But who knows? I may just not act on my feelings any longer.

After an hour, I decide to start fixing a few things. I needed to put my picture frames on the wall so I picked up the tool box and brought out a hammer and some small nails.

I nailed a few to the wall and successfully out the framed pictures on the wall. They were pictures of me in high school graduation standing in between my parents, me in college graduation and one I took with my best friend; Lisa.

Then I connected the microwave to the wall socket above the kitchen slab and I turned the gas lever on. I think I’m all set. I hear a knock on my door.

“Who is it?” I asked.

“Next door neighbor”.

That’s weird. I haven’t spoken to a single soul here asides the security guard downstairs.

I opened up just to see the one person who I thought I could avoid so long I was home. What luck I have!

Shut. The. Front. Door.

I palmed my forehead to process and collect my thoughts as I think he also was. The look on his face gave him away. I wonder what he’s really thinking of. It would be easier to shoot myself in the foot than go through this ordeal.

“What are you doing here?” I question

“I thought you looked familiar when I saw you move in. I didn’t get a closer look at you. Now, it all makes sense.”

“What are you talking about? And why are you here Stefan?”

“Well, in all fairness, this was purely…coincidental. Haha! It’s a funny world we live in. although I would like to call it fate.”

“I beg to differ. It’s just some luck”

“You believe in luck but not fate? That’s rather weird”

I crossed my arms in front of my chest.

“Well Avery, your package was mis-delivered to my place. I was just going to hand it over to you when I heard you come in earlier but I was too busy to come give it to you. Don’t look at me like I am stalking you”

That explains why.

“Right. Thank you. And I’m sorry for the inconvenience”

“It’s alright. So will you invite me in?”

“Umm yeah I guess. Come in.” I ushered him in. He took a look around the dining room before going to the living room to sit.

“A nice place you’ve got here.”

“Uhh thanks”

He’s wearing as much as a hoodie and joggers and I still picture him naked and imagine taking everything off if I could.

“You know, If you want, you could have me. All you need to do is tell me.” He was playing with his fingers and somehow my attention just went to them. They are long and slender and would be perfect for slipping into me.

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