Chapter 18

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Five years later
You had now found a new home after you ran for your life, but every day you remembered the day you fled from your home, your family, but you wanted out of that life with Beyblade and phi and hyde.

You now lived on your own after you found a job and started to earn money and find a place to live; it was small, but you didn't need much, not when it was just yours, and you didn't own much.

One day you went to work as you were leaving your apartment "morning (y/n) (l/n)" he said.

You turned your head to the side and saw your neighbour Kai "hey Kai, what's up" you asked, "nothing, just chilling; what about you" he asked, "going to work Are you going to see Tyson today or are you still on your lone wolf stage" you asked.

He just smiled "haha, you know me so well (y/n) well, I don't know, yet I might go see him and his friends, but I'm still trying to figure out my bey, you know that's how I pay for this place," he said, "I know you love beyblading," you said. "Will you ever join in the game again," he asked, "nah I'm done with that stuff after I lived with shu, phi, and hyde I just want to be on my own," you said,, "that's fine, but that's cool that you met phi and hyde and shu they are all good Beyblader's," he said, "yeah well I'll see you later," you said, "okay we still on to hang later," he said, "haha sure thing blue boy," you said.

He just smiled as he came over and kissed you on the cheek. "I'll see you later (y/n)" he said, "see you later, kai," you said.

You walked away as you headed to your work for the day.

You walked to the tiny cafe that wasn't far from your apartment building; as you walked in and saw your boss, "morning Boss" you said, "morning (y/n)" he said, "ready to open jay" you asked, "yep Lucy is late" he said, "haha that's Lucy for you always late. Still, she makes a great coffee," you said, "I'll admit to that; get your apron on and start" he said.

You used the sign over from closed to open as you went to the counter and waited for customers to come and over food or coffee the cafe was small, but you loved it, it felt like home to you.

You worked for a little bit until the sun came down as it was almost quitting time, but then someone came into the cafe as you weren't looking as they came up to the counter. "Excuse me can I get a coffee, please," he asked.

You looked up and saw the man; he looked familiar, but you couldn't place it anywhere "excuse me, do I know you" you asked, "no I don't think so can I get a coffee, please" he asked, 'oh sure what's the name" you asked, shu, shu korenai" he said.

You dropped your pen and pad as you backed away "nope, get out" you said, "excuse me" he asked, "nope, I don't serve to shu, or phi or hyde" you said, "wait a minute" he said.

He backed up and looked at you as you were scared in shock; how did shu find you "haha (y/n) oh my, it's so good to see you it's been so long your parent's world love to see you again I should bring them to see you we all missed you" he said, "nope get out" you said.

He grabbed you by the hand and pulled you to a table "stop" you said, "no, come on, I'll take you home to phi and Hyde, please" he said, "no shu, I gave you guys up after I ran I have a life here I have a boyfriend I'm happy I'm finally happy, and I love it" you said, "okay I won't tell them I promise can I still get hat coffee" he asked, "sure then get out of my life" you said, "okay (y/n) will do" shu said.

You got up and went to grab a coffee for shu as you came bc "dark black, just black I'm guessing" you said, "yep" he said, "hah, I knew it" you said, "will I see you again (y/n)" he asked, "maybe" you said, "(y/n) quitting time" he said, "k boss bye shu" you said.

You waved goodbye to shu as you clocked out and grabbed your stuff, and walked out of the cafe back to your home to try and forget about shu.

You were walking when you heard crying "hello? Is anyone there? Are you alright," you asked.

The crying got louder as you walked towards something; it was a kid crying in an ally "are you alright" you asked.

The child continued to cry "please don't cry, it will be okay I promise, come on, I'll help you" you said.

The kid then started to laugh as he looked up at you; he reminded you of someone "you shouldn't have left (y/n) haha now their dead now their all mine haha" it said, "who" you asked, "haha don't worry your pretty little head (y/n) now go to sleep and I'll see you soon" it said.

The child disappeared. That was very weird; who was that child, and what did he want? He looked like phi and hyde, but I guess I'll find out somehow, but I don't know-how.

You were about to go when a stranger came and took hold of you "ahh-" you tried to scream, but he put his hand over your oth "don't scream, or I'll shoot" he said.

You just nodded as you let the man do what he wanted. "I'm gonna take you somewhere, and you will not scream or try to hurt me, do you understand" he asked.

You just nodded as he took you somewhere. I hope someone know's where I am or find me and what this guy wants with me I'm nothing special I know I'm not; I haven't seen spirit in forever. I think she went back inside me or is dormant, but I don't usually fight back.

The man took you into a building nearby, well, more like a place underground as he let you go and took you by the hand as he dragged you to a new home.

A/n: hi guys, i' back. I thought of something, haha I can't wait to write more soon, and spirit is the darkness inside of you like phi has, but I'm not ending this, yet I'm thinking of going to 20 and then ending it, but that's if my brain thinks and I mean not me but my brain cause my brain is in control of its self haha.

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