A Not So Grand Entrance

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Shen Yuan's death was quick, even if it was painful. Most important, of course, was that it was expected and accepted. After all, he knew he would not survive jumping in front of a car to save the girl. See? Being thrown into the air was expected, crashing right onto the ground was expected, heck, feeling your bones being crushed, your brains turning into juice was expected. The pain was sickening, horrifying, he felt like he was being torn apart, that too was expected. Did he feel the driver of the car driving right over his dying body to run? Yes. Was it fun? No, of course. But well, it was not like he expected anything more, with how much he had killed, how many sins he had committed, he deserved it. He was just sad that his best friend ah-Ling had to witness this..But.. he didn't really care..

Now, that must sound pretty cold, right? It can't be helped. Surrounded by darkness on all sides, Shen Yuan felt that his already cold emotions were even more muted. While before, ah-Ling had been his final support, his branch to hold on to, now... now he just felt indifference. Was it death or had he always been like this, cold blooded? He didn't know, and guess what? He didn't care. All he wanted was to drink meng po's soup, forget this dreadful life and just leave.

He knew, feeling this disconnected from his feelings, his memories (Ah-Ling's face is getting blurry..), should irk him. On a normal day, he would have become wary, suspicious, of this. He would've felt vulnerable, the one thing he promised himself he won't be, but he didn't. This wasn't, after all, a normal day, he's dead, he can't have days anymore. Again, the disconnect also made his fear and wariness which he was surely feeling a lot, muted. Deep in the recesses of his mind, his mind curiously thought what was this darkness that surrounded him? Was it the nothingness that some people believed you went to after death? Surely, it couldn't be that heaven will be so.. dark.

(It could also be Hell... though even Satan probably would go mad in this all encompassing black)

(Fitting, for something like him...)

Suddenly the noisy silence was interrupted by mechanical whirring sounds and a Google translate voice spoke right into his ear, causing him to jerk with shock though soon he settled back down, uncaring. What will caring do? He had cared once, it brought him nothing but pain. And what if this was dangerous? He can only die once.

Transfer Succesful

Account created

User: Shen Yuan, Peerless Cucumber

Character: Non existent (No roles in plot)

Weapons: None

World: Heaven Official's Blessing


Ah.. was that a system? Like in one of those transmigration novels he read? He felt a small stirring of excitement, which was a surprise. The excitement of course, was because of the world he apparently transmigrated into. Heaven Officials Blessings, that is, tgcf. The novel he shed his precious rare tears on, a novel whose only first 3 books he had read. That dog-blood novel with a protagonist who is tortured to almost complete madness and a male lead whose obsessed with said protagonist, oh! and also dies three times for him, if the spoilers are to be trusted.

Surely that won't be a big deal though? Non Existent character must mean a newly created character right? The plot will not affect him! So he could be whoever he wanted to be, it did not matter, right? And perhaps if he was lucky, he'll meet his most favourite character in passing too, that is, Xie Lian. Though he will have to do that when Hua Cheng was not around, he was pretty scared of that guy, however much he admired him. Lies, all lies. It was Hua Cheng whose spoliers he read, him whose fan arts he painted the most, seconded by Bai Wuxiang.

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