Choices Made..(part2) Known Ascension, Unknown truths, Bitter Resignation

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I don't want them to know the secrets
I don't want them to know the way I loved you
I don't think they'd understand it, no
I don't think they would accept me, no....

I loved, and I loved and I lost you
I loved, and I loved and I lost you
I loved, and I loved and I lost you...

And it hurts like hell
Yeah, it hurts like hell....

Hurts Like Hell (Fleurie)

As Xie Lian was walking away, he heard a whoosh! sound as if something was cutting through the air right towards his arms, towards the kids. Xie Lian had no time to react at all and was ready to turn his back towards whatever it was and protect the kids, when he suddenly heard an ominous Crack! sound followed by Qi Rong's wail of, "He broke my arm! This lowlife f*cker dared!"

Xie Lian sighed in dismay, head pounding like someone had decided to take a hammer to it and see how long it will stay intact. Behind him Feng Xin's eyes widened in horror at what he had done in his hurry, though he immediately covered it up, hiding his panic behind his indifference.

"Take him back to the palace Feng Xin, and he dared do so because he's my guard!" Xie Lian snapped at Qi Rong.

"I WASN'T GONNA KILL THEM COUSIN CROWN PRINCE! I HAD MY HORSE IN CONTROL! " Qi Rong shouted, but Xie Lian paid him no mind.

It doesn't matter what your intentions were, you were cruel Qi Rong, there's no excuse for that....


Inside the palace, Xie Lian gently placed the silent kids on the infirmary bed then turned towards the imperial physicians that were silently watching, "These two kids were beaten up pretty hard by some adults and were also chased by horses, they had also fallen head first onto the ground, so please check them over thoroughly, especially their heads."

Nodding, the physicians were ready to check their bandaged heads but the two kids in complete synchronisation, covered they heads, refusing to cooperate. It didn't matter how much he cajoled them to not worry, no one would hurt them, the two didn't move at all. The first kid kept insistently saying,"ugly" in a quiet voice, and even though Xie Lian said that no one will call them ugly, the kid did not budge, hiding the second one behind himself and looking pleadingly at him with a teary obsidiqn orb.The physicians could only show a couple fingers to count and ask a few questions to judge the boys' condition, because an uncooperative patient couldn't be treated properly or forced.

Xie Lian had thought the two boys were quite obedient, but it seemed they were pretty stubborn when they felt like it. Seeing that the second child was back to himself, Xie Lian gently asked the most important question.

"What are your names?" It was awkward asking these questions now of all times but it really was weird that he had already met the kids twice but still called them the first boy, the second boy or the cloth- head boy in his head.

Shen Yuan felt a lot more like himself now that he was sitting in a warm room and on a soft bed, so he naturally heard the protagonist's question. He let the male lead answer first.

"Hong...." the voice sounded so stifled and embarrassed that Shen Yuan, who was sitting right next to the boy, almost didn't hear him. The protagonist, because he's, well, the protagonist, heard the voice, albeit slightly muffled.

"Why aren't you home boy? I have never seen you before and I know all street kids, so you definitely aren't one of them," Mu Qing asked, eyes narrowed in suspicion. Feng Xin immediately found it unbelievable that Mu Qing would know all the street kids of the capital and the two thus started squabbling.

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