Chapter 2: Mission.. not going well...

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As Shen Yuan chased after the young child who seemed oddly excited for his own death, he (interrogated and begged) asked the system for more information.

Mission details: Delay the male lead Hua Cheng's suicide by 10 minutes.
Time left: 9 minutes 38 seconds

That was all he was going to get? Really? He needed more to work on, damn it!

This is host's only mission. Due to some unforeseen events, the timelines have been tampered with. If Hua Cheng's suicide attempt is succesful, the plot will be badly affected, leading to even more unforeseen events.

So.. He was brought here to prevent that? This was the sole reason for his existence now? He was the non existent twin brother to the male lead ahh! That just came out of his body, if little male lead's hysterical growls were to be believed. He would not put it past the system to bring him to this world like that. You did not make carbon copies of people out of nowhere just for that! Why not just make him a normal NPC? Why his copy? And he had probably scared the child too! That must be why he was running away so eagerly. That was what he told himself. He didn't want to think otherwise, didn't want to think that this child had really lost all hope from the world, even if it was true...

(What is the Punishment Protocol system?)


he Punishment Protocol is to make host live through some of the most gruesome torture scenes in the novels host has read till now. After this will be account termination followed by world termination to avoid unforeseen events.

Shen Yuan staggered, almost falling down. World termination? Did that mean..

The world of tgcf will be destroyed.

Now Shen Yuan actively followed little Hong Hong'er, ignoring the explanation of the Punishment Protocol. The Punishment Protocol didn't really matter, what mattered was that this world will fall apart, break into pieces, cease to exist. And Shen Yuan will not allow that. Why?

Because in the end, he knew what this final thoughts thing meant, he knew exactly whose final thoughts were made true. His own. He had thought to himself, when his home and all that it meant was burned to the ground, that he wanted another chance at life. He had thought that, desperately, as he had gotten the news of his imminent death from the doctor.

5 years...

5 years was all he had left... 2 of which he used on revenge, 1 he used on reading shitty novels like PIDW or learning as many musical instruments as he possibly could, desperately holding on to those pure dreams of his childhood, of being a master musician, of teaching music to children, of.. of.. so many things.... He hadn't even lived those 5 years completely yet, dying when he did, at the age of 23. So much time lost, forever, just like that. Other than ah-Ling and some of his colleagues, who will mourn him? No one.

In his final moments he had thought, "If I get a second chance at life, I swear I'll diligently pray to a God even if i don't believe in Gods." And this! This was the chance he had prayed for, where he could do whatever he pleased, be whoever he wanted to be, without a care in the world. He could learn so much more, go to beautiful places that do not exist back home, he could.. He could teach children, like he had always wanted to..

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