The past comes back to bite you I

Start from the beginning

Rebekah licked her lips "I see then perhaps it's not too early for a scotch anyway."

Kara hummed "I need a favor" she paused sparing a glance at her sister "I need you to take Hayley to the plantation, she'll be safer, none of the witches know the home and I can settle my nerves."

"Witch shenanigans subterfuge aside, why do you think Hayley, a stubborn pregnant werewolf will come willingly?"

Kara half smiled "Tonight is a full moon" she said with a shrug "She can't turn but it's the time her cursed pack changes from wolves to human. She'll have a chance to meet her family and I'd rather have her surrounded by her kind than here where there are multiple witches looking to end her and my child."

Rebekah sighed "And have you told the mother of your child this? Or are you hoping I break the news to the hormonal woman?"

Kara smirked before taking a healthy swig of her scotch "Come now sister, I trust you, do this for me and I'll be eternally grateful. Besides I'm sure she'll be happy seeing her wolfish brethren. I have a few things to check anyway."

Rebekah shrugged not entirely put out by the task given, after all she did enjoy spending time with Hayley , spending time with a pack of wolves however was an entirely different story "Fine, I'll do it. But don't blame me when our plantation home looks like a frat house after this gathering"

Kara snorted before finishing her drink "I won't, now I have to go see Camille she's sounded rather desperate over the phone"

Rebekah waggled her brows suggestively "Oh sister, you leave me to deal with your hormonal girlfriend while you go run off with a pretty blonde?"

Kara rolled her eyes at the suggestive tone "Camille is a friend, one who finds it rather hard trusting in supernatural since our brother turned her into a glorified stenographer. I've offered her a lending ear, she's quite the conversationalist , often diagnosing me with a plethora of mental issues, trust issues and the like."

Rebekah scoffed "And you enjoy it?"

Kara half shrugged, she wouldn't lie she did so enjoy Camille's company, her honesty was refreshing, quite the turn around considering the secrets and lies hidden between the Mikaelson brood "There hasn't been many people capable of mouthing off at me without fear of retribution. Many have died for less, most recently I impregnated the one and I found a tentative friend in the other.. it's good to widen my circle of friends.."


Hayley entered the plantation home with a bit of trepidation "and you are sure Kara said throwing a party will be fine?"

Rebekah rolled her eyes "She's even footed the bill, my sister wants you happy, having you happy means meeting your family, your pack. She's not as terrible as everyone believes."

Hayley frowned "I know, she asked me to give her a chance to know a side of her very few people have seen." She paused licking her lips with a small smile "It's almost normal"

Rebekah raised a surprised brow "Normal?" Normal wasn't quite the word she'd use to describe her older sister. Vicious, calculating, monstrous yes, normal didn't quite fit the bill.

Hayley sighed leaning against the wall, her lips pursed in thought. "Kara is complex, I compared her to an onion. She has so many layers, layers you have to peel back one by one, and like an onion it hurts, seeing who she truly is, who she hides under all those layers.. I don't know but our date.." she shook her head with the reminder "We joked, we laughed, she smiled more than I've ever seen her smile.. she was kind, gentle.."

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