Act 21: Amen to the Forgotten

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Howdy, so looking back at the last chapter I didn't really give much info as to why Arthur was in such a critical state. The reason was because he took a half broad side and major damage. So quit literally the boy had a mix of broken bones, internal bleeding, massive scars and a lot of holes. And not the fun kind. :O

Also if you all read the little. . . Tiny. . . . ant like part I made at the end, you'd probably know or have some idea of were this book is . . . probably going? IDK I haven't really thought that far ahead. Also, just wanted everyone who's still reading to know that I'm taking a vote as to what book I should start next. 

That's right buckos, you'll get to decide how much suffering I have to endure to make a new story. The votes are in my profile so click on that and head on over to the conversations to slap your vote. I'd really encourage people to do it as so I know what story you all want next. (Or majority considering this is democracy we're all talking about here)

So without further a due I leave you to your reading. :D (Also yes, I've been dipping deep into Armored Core. . . HELP!)

Darkness. . . That's is the only thing present. Nothing was born, or anything was here. It had no light, no logic, and no end. It was empty until a bright light appeared, the lighted died out to revel. . . Arthur. He was floating on thin air, he's from up straight with closed eyes and pieces of his armour floating near his body. His soul was still deep in sleep.

He remained still, like in death. He held nothing, his rigging was gone, and his face was revealed to the infinite darkness. Nothing moved, as if he was frozen in place. ". . . So you finally got sent here. . . Four." A pure white hand reached out and cupped the side of Arthur's head, a slight glow of light emanated from the hand illuminating Arthur's face. 

"Though you are not awake to see me. . . I'm still glade that you came." The hand moved to Arthur's floating hair, sinking her fingers through the locks of hair and rubbing the boy's head. "It gets so lonely here. . . Not that I'm complaining but, because I don't get to see you." A second hand appeared, it traveled down to Arthur's shoulder before grabbing it. Bringing Arthur close, a white figure of a women covered in light is shown.

Long white hair, a glowing light, and a long white dress. The women brings Arthur's head close to her chest, and hugs his sleeping from. "I know you have been through a lot of pain, but was able to see joy and happiness. . . I'm thankful, you found a home. . . Even if I can't be there with you and everyone else." The women closed her eyes as she held Arthur's body close. She takes a deep breath in and gently breaths out.

"You still have much to do. . . So much more pain will await you, so much. . . I won't be there to help you. . . but I can give you this much before you have to go." The white women opens her eyes again to show silver eyes. She brings Arthur's head up to her own and places her forehead upon his. She closes her eyes again as a faint glow of light appeared.

For a moment, the light seemed to have shined through the darkness like a sun. It last for a moment before the light died down again. The Women backs her head and opens her eyes again to see Arthur's clam sleeping face. She smiles slightly while sighing. "Whatever shall I do with you. . . Bruder." Soon Arthur's feet began to disperse, slowly his form began to leave this realm of darkness. 

The women, with a sadden look gave Arthur one last hug as he disappeared from her grasp. . . Arthur slowly opened his eyes to see white before closing them yet again.




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