Act 20: Do you Remember me?

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Deep within the secret dockyards of Ironblood's ghost fleet, a lone battleship remained. Her hull remained unmoving with her guns never firing a single shell. Sitting alone on the bow end of the ship was a lonely girl in white. She was kneeling down in prayer as her long white hair reached the deck of the warship. Her white dress matched with her ghost like appearance.

She opened her eyes to show her silver eyes. In them was the memories of a terrible past filled with sorrow, pain, and regret. She blinked to show the image of a young boy with bright blond hair and blue eyes filled with life. Closing her eyes she sighed, soon the docks began to fall apart to revel a dark empty void. Before the battleship was a little girl with short white hair and a jelly fish with cannons surrounding her. ". . ." 

No words were said, the white women took a spot forward before standing her full height. Her hair was barely off the ground as she wore no shoes. ". . . Schiff kommt . . . hervor und . . . dient meinem Krieg." With a quiet voice, no louder than a whisper, the white women's ship began to glow a heavenly light before disappearing. In another flash, the women's body was suddenly attached to a battleship rigging. 

The rigging had that of a four headed shark like rigging with one of the four turrets atop each of their heads. Their size was equal if not larger than FDG's rigging. Their eyes glowed a pure dark gaze as their colours was white, silver, and slashes of black. On the girls back was her ships smoke stack and flag pole. She flew no flag but an emblem, on it was a lady in white praying on one side, while the other half was divided by a sword to show a knight holding a sword up right.

The little girl didn't move but the jelly fish did, without a word the fish fired a barrage of blue lasers and shells at the white women. The women raised her hand up for silver barrier of light to appear. The lasers and shells all exploded on the surface of the shield. The jelly fish, never letting up its barrage of gun fire continued to press its attack.

Soon the girl raised her hand up making the jelly fish suddenly stop in its ongoing barrage. She looked to were the white women was to see a massive cloud of smoke and fog blocking her view. A moment later, the fog clears to revel all the pristine white shark heads rise above the smoke. They looked down as their guns began to move and aimed down at the jelly fish, the tips of their barrels soon glowed with a white light. The fog clears some more to revel the women unharmed and with a tired smile on her face.

"You know, I some times wonder." Her sharks guns glowed more as a faint charging noise was heard. "Does he still remember me? Or has he forgotten who I am. . ." With a tired sigh, the women's rigging fires a blinding beam of light. The little girl summons a purple portal for her to escape in as the jelly fish was pierced by the light. Eight holes littered the jelly fishes form as it stood still for a moment later before exploding in a fiery light. The women looked up into space before speaking once more. 

". . . I wonder, what you are doing . . . Four. . ."




Mirror sea: HMCS Grob Kurfurst with escorts Algoma and Morden

The super heavy battleship and her escorts were currently sailing through the ice maze. Up front was Morden who doubled check their corners, Algoma was bringing up the rear as she sailed backwards. Kurfurst while not being the most subtle nor the most manoeuvrable ship, made it up with her advanced radar and firepower. She had one of her main guns pointing either head, port, stern, or bow at all times while her radar continued to try and find something.

Battleship of her Royal Canadian fleet (Azur lane Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora