Act 6: Legacy of Red

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Sailing across the North Pole was never easy, especially during a storm. That was something that we never really mind, in fact we got used to the blazing storms and harsh winds. Some would even dare to say that it is the time of spirits to sail the wicked waves.... I never believed in these stories, not once but that... Thing was something else. I remember sailing through a field of ice bergs and hug waves with the wind and rain pounding against my ship. It was like any other patrol mission we do, but when I looked out to the endless dark sea of rain and ice I saw it.

A ship that held a ruin flag and sailed through the sea in and aimless voyage. From what I could tell, it looked like a battleship of sorts through I could never really tell what type or class. What I do remember through is seeing a lone figure standing atop the bridge of the ship. They were covered in a dark cape that covered most if not their entire body. I watched from a distances how the ship cut through the waves, it looked damaged with some of its guns either bent or broken. Feeling curious at the time I pulled out some binoculars to take a closer look, what I saw still leaves questions I know can never be answer. Be it life or death, what I saw was that same figure staring right back at me, what's worse I saw no face just a.... Empty void like I was staring at death itself.

I don't believe in ghosts, but that thing.......................... That thing can only be described as a GHOST.

Present: Somewhere in the Sakura Empire North (Receiver)

Sailing across the waves was a fleet of five ships, three destroyers and two battleships. One of these battleships looked to be of a foreign design, this was none other than HMCS Arthur the third Bismarck class battleship and the only male ship to exist. Standing atop his B turret Arthur looked to his starboard side as his ship was leading the battleship line with the destroyers further away to act as early warning. "Hey brat! You sure were in the right place?" A voice called out from behind.

Taking a sigh, Arthur stepped off his turret and looked over the side of his ship to see the trailing battleship. This was HMCS Vancouver, a fast battleship from the Eagle Union that got sold off during the lend less program. She is an unofficial Iwo class battleship that never got launched as the Eagle Union had no need for battleships at the time, so the Maple Monarchy took her in. Ever since that day, Vancouver along with the Pacific task force of the Pacific had undergone convoy escorting missions, hit and run, and defensive operations that has kept the North safe for the Maple Monarchy. She of course was one of the few battleships the Monarchy had but with her high speed, she was one of the more famed ships that kept their faction safe during the split.

Through she does have a loud mouth that came with being a former Eagle Union ship. "We're in the right place miss Vancouver, please calm yourself before you begin to misfire your guns at our escorts." From atop the tower of the HMCS Vancouver, a girl with short cut blue hair, deep violet eyes and a pair of wolf ears was staring down at the leading battleship as she had a foot raised on the railing. She wore black winter boots with black stockings, a red sort skirt, and a white and red coat that had the top undone to show her black sweater that showed off her large bust. 

She huffed while staring down the boy. He was currently wearing his knight armour and cape while keeping his helmet on to conceal his identity as to keep him a secret. "Yeah, yeah just want something to shoot at, you know?" She stepped of the railing and began to walk to the right side of her tower. She looked out to spot one of the destroyers, a tribal class by the looks of it. "Athabaskan, you see anything?"

"No/Nada." On Vancouver side she heard two voices that sounded similar to each other.

"Sorry, I meant Atha 2." Looking over to the second destroyer to see another tribal class but this one also carrier the same name as the first.

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