Part 2 // Chap. 9: Paris

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Warning ⚠️
Contains violence.

__ Louvre Museum __ Paris__12AM

A thief dressed all in black sneaks into the museum in the middle of the night to steal a painting. The thief is none other than Rocky who obeys Lola's orders.
"I got it." Rocky says putting the painting in a bag.
"That's good. You can come back." Lola says through the device in Rocky's ear.

A few moments later, on Lola's plane, Rocky can speak a few minutes with Lana.
"When will all of this be over...?" Lola asks as she is locked in a glass cage.
"Soon...I hope." Rocky says on the other side of the glass.
"I'd rather die than seeing you doing bad things." Lana says with warm tears rolling down her cheeks.
Rocky doesn't say anything, his paw rests on the glass cage.
"'s not right what you're doing. You think you can save me by doing Lola's orders? Lola is playing with you, she won't save us." Lana says, her eyes shining.
Then, she adds: "I never told you about my sister. Her name was Liz. When Lola and her men came to my house to ask me your address, they were going to kill me. But Liz stopped them, and she saved me by taking the bullet for me."

Rocky: Why...did you never tell me that?

"I didn't want to disturb you in your life with Stella. Now look at us, we wanted a happy life and we got it." Lana says looking at her baby in her arms.
"What's her name?" Rocky asks with a sad smile.
"It's daddy who decide. If I have to die, Rocky, promise me to honor my sister's name. That's the only thing I want." Lana says.

"Do you remember that?" Lana asks showing her wrist to Rocky.

Rocky: The bracelet I gave you the first time I saw you.

Lana: This bracelet now belongs to our child.

Lana puts the bracelet on the baby's wrist. The two lovers look into each other's eyes one last time.

Later, Lola gives the new mission to Rocky.

Lola: Meet Mike!

Rocky: Mike!? The one who wanted to kill me all because I don't know what! You're supposed to be in jail!

Mike: Well, it's great working with you, Rocky.

Lola: The building you see is a French government building. In this building there are some informations about me that I no longer want them to exist.

Rocky: Let me guess, I have to infiltrate this building to destroy or erase all evidence about you?

Lola: Erm, why that when you can blow it all up. Plant bombs all over the building and I will destroy everything.

Rocky: I can't do this...there are innocent people...

Lola: Oh who should die first? Lana or Stella?

Rocky sighs then accepts what Lola tells him.
"Mike will come with you."

<<<< 10 hours before - with the PAW Patrol >>>>

Chase: The only way to save Rocky is to infiltrate Lola's plane.

Rubble: I know! We could dress up as clowns!

Chase: Nobody here can infiltrate, not even me. So I called on an old enemy.

Skye: What are you trying to...say?

Chase: He's supposed to be in jail but he's the only one who can help us.

Mike enters the room and everyone is surprised.

Chase: His criminal skills are very useful in saving Rocky. Thus, he will communicate with us each new plan of Lola.

Ryder: But... what if he runs away?

Mike: My fiancée is alive and safe, that's all I need to know.

<<<<<< Present >>>>>>

Rocky enters the building followed by Mike.
Mike shows Rocky a note he just wrote:
"Don't say anything, Lola hears us. Follow me"
Rocky, curious, follows Mike who takes him to an underground cellar.
"Communication is jammed here, that should be okay." Mike says.
"What's going on?"
"I'm sent by Chase and I have to save you." Mike says.

Rocky: No! You can't save me!

Mike: Is it because I was a super villain?

Rocky: No, Lola will kill them!

Mike: You can't blow up this building! There are innocent lives! They count more than your lover's life!

Rocky: So what should I do!?

Mike: Get out of here and join us. We'll find a way to save them.

"I can not!" Rocky screams before leaving Mike. He discreetly takes a bomb out of his bag and sighs.
"He's right. I can't do that."

Later, Rocky returns to Lola's plane where the latter congratulates him.
"Now, enjoy the party." Lola says pressing a button but nothing happens.
She remains motionless for a few seconds, then having understood that Rocky has done nothing, she takes her gun and walks towards Lana's cage.
Rocky screams and runs towards Lola but Lola's guard stops him.
The guard takes Rocky in front of Lana's cage where inside, there is the baby on the ground and Lola having pointed her gun at Lana's head.

Rocky: DON'T DO THIS!!

Lola: Aww, gonna cry?


"Whatever..." Lola says shooting Lana in the head. Lana falls, and tears stream down her cheeks.
"LANA!! LANA!!" Rocky screams with all his might.
"Roc.." Lana says but she's not breathing anymore.
"You are going to die...for that!!" Rocky screams.


In another plane, much smaller, two members discuss.
"Joe, tell me her name. And her breed."
"Um, her name is Lola. She's a Siberian husky."
"Mhm...I see. How long until we get here?"
"About an hour." Joe replies.

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