But the ring of the door bell halted his words.

Jungkook dashed to the door before Eunwoo could stop him. The hacker panicked, remembering the plan, the hated part in which he had to participate before.

"Jungkook, wait, I have to tell you somet-", Eunwoo tried to warn Jungkook, tried to explain to him that he had been so, so stupid but it was already too late: Jungkook had already opened the door, gun cocked and two guards by his side.

"Hello, Mr. Jeon, Sir. Please allow me to escort you to the car." It was a man, pointing politely at a car, yet his gestures were sarcastic: he was not giving him a choice.

"Why? Why the fuck would I get into that car driven by a fucking stranger?!"

The man, a prisoner recently escaped from Jungkook's underground prison, smiled maliciously. Clearly, the young Jeon did not recognize him, of course he wouldn't. He was not the one who had put him into this forsaken prison after all.

Oh well, it was not like the old Jeon planted him there without knowing his son, without knowing Jungkook would put Taehyung into this special cell one day.

It was so fun, seeing the young Jeon having no clue of what revenge was awaiting him. He had to suffer because of the Jeons.

"Because you would like to arrive in time before my boss might hurt your precious little lover, no?", he smiled evilly, knowing very well that the simple mention of Jungkook's golden-haired lover was enough for the other to cave in.

Jungkook clenched his jaw.

"Fucking lead the way then."


Taehyung was still curled up in himself, huddled in the corner of this white, scary room. It was furniture less, with no windows and only a closed door halting him from escape. Not the only thing, but another man standing in front of him, watching his every move with cold eyes and emotionless face.

The blond was terrified out of his mind, hoping to find some sympathy in the man's eyes, his situation was miserable enough but there was none. No, he watched Taehyung unmoving and the blond felt all of his hopes drawn.

So he had cuddled up into himself in the corner. Another scary man had taken a photo of him, terrifying him even more. The photographer had moved forward to caress his cheek, mumbling a beautiful as if Taehyung was not even there, then he left the room.

For Taehyung, lots of time had passed after that. He was tired, hungry, scared and wanted to go home. Taehyung didn't know who had kidnapped him and why.

All he knew was that Jungkook was soon to be involved. He understood that much because Jungkook's surname had been brought up different times.

A metallic click sound coming from the door being unlocked caused Taehyung to snap upwards.

Two men moved into the room, filthy smiles on their faces and danger in their eyes.

"Let's go, Pretty. Lover boy's here."


Jungkook was led into a room, still fuming in anger because he had been blindfolded during the car ride as well as Eunwoo who had been far more angry than Jungkook appeared. He was furious, yes but he focused his energy on remembering the twists and turns the car took in order to locate their position.

They had been brought to the outer ring of the city, a less known region if it wasn't for the fact that it was known for its criminal background. Which meant that one of Jungkook's enemies was most likely to get their hands on Taehyung.

Still, this shouldn't have fucking happened, his security was too strong and experienced, how the fuck could a lowly drug lord from this area infiltrate his home??!

"This way, Mr. Jeon", the fucking annoying voice of their accompany had directed Jungkook into the room.

Jungkook stormed inside, also furious because his gun had been taken from him. Still, that wouldn't stop him. His father didn't train him to become a fucking killing machine for nothing after all.

His eyes scanned the room, fire rushing through his veins as he finally allowed the anger to seep through his every cell.

"Where the fuck is Taehyung?!", he demanded to know harshly, he was seething. His poor darling was here, Jungkook would always know when Taehyung was close.

And he indeed was, kneeling on the ground, hands tied together with ropes. Taehyung sobbed loudly upon seeing Jungkook, cries of his lover's name spilling from his lips.

"Jungkook, Jungkook, K-Kookie, oh no, this is a trap, no, you have to get out--", Taehyung whimpered when the hand in his hair dragged his head back.

The person sitting behind him tsked disapprovingly. Taehyung whimpered, staring at Jungkook, eyes wide in fear. He didn't want this to happen, this would destroy Jungkook, more than the betrayal of his best friend, Eunwoo.

But Taehyung couldn't stop the person moving into Jungkook's view.

"You finally found him. The cause of your obsession."

Jungkook stilled, his body suddenly shutting off as he could only stare in horror.

Because the person holding Taehyung in his brutal clutch was none other than his own father.

The old Jeon was still alive.

He was alive, sitting in a wheelchair, but alive. An assassin shot him and the fucking bastard survived it.

And he had Taehyung.


Building up suspicion and then dropping the bomb is always so much fun hehe


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