"That fucking thing had teeth?" he sputtered, cerulean orbs wide.

This report was getting weirder, more abhorrent...and he knew where this was heading. He knew what that fucking thing had been doing with those teeth.

Swallowing sickly, he continued.

'Functioning analogous to the jubokko, entity 504 is postulated to have drawn its nutrients from the consumption of living creatures. It is speculated that this process resulted in the producing of an unknown fruit. While the full scope and range of it's feeding sources are thus unknown, there is enough physical evidence and information to surmise that it's primary diet consisted of human beings-'

Unease slid across his skin.

This thing...

This abomination was once a living creature...

That fed on human beings...

He stared down at the black ink, wondering if he'd misread. He'd had a haunch, a sixth sense that the flesh caked in those teeth was human, but he'd wanted to be wrong.

A second read through disabused him of the notion.

There was no mistake.

Just when he thought the characterization couldn't possibly worsen, the words on these pages proved him wrong. There seemed to be no depth to this depravity. No end to the grisliness of this scientific horror movie turned real life. Five months away from his twenty first birthday, Naruto Uzumaki had seen a lot in his young life, experienced situation many could never dream of, he even accepted there was a plethora of strange and unexplained occurrences in this universe, however, no matter how cosmopolitan he grew, coming face to face with a reality this far beyond the realm of normal would always leave him mystified and unsettled.

'Evidence suggest that this carnivorous entity is either the source or at minimal, a crucial component in the creation and/or composition of the jubokko that have ravaged the Elemental Nations and beyond.'

As strange as it sounded, it was true. That monstrosity mimicking a tree had giving rise to those bloodthirsty beasts. He still couldn't fathom that reality, but the connection could not be denied.

The similarities between both parasitic incarnations was irrefutable.

'Entity 504 has been monitored twenty four hours a day beginning April 16, 2010 at 1500 hours. This observation include but are not limited to, visual and auditory. The frequency, otherwise described as a 'song', experienced by Uzumaki Naruto and Kurama has alluded all means of detection at this time. More sophisticated means are being constructed, however, we formerly request the assistance of Uzumaki Naruto and Kurama in the process of producing these results.'

"I feel like we only added more questions reading all this, Kurama..." Naruto admitted, "and all this crap about teeth and blood and shit, really not looking forward to going back in there. It was bad enough going in blind, but now that we know a little bit about this damn thing..."

He shook his head.

'The time for second thoughts was before you left Konoha, Naruto.'

"Not saying I wanna back out, just saying I'm not looking forward to it, dattebayo."

'At no point were you looking forward to it.'

"You know what I meant," he complained, returning his attention to the final line, "hardly the time for jokes, Kurama."

'With the information gleaned from entity 504 and it's surrounding environment, at this time, we do not believe that this creature originated on earth.'

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