Chapter Sixty One~ Vessel

Start from the beginning

"Storm of Blades..." He chanted as multiple swords fell from above. There were so many silver blades in different form that it all resembled a meteorite shower.

Asta holds the hilt of his Demon-Destroyer sword and swings it at tremendous speed. Some of the falling swords are made of magic but some of them are real.

'There are physical weapons mixed in? I can't erase them with my anti-magic!' he gasped in disbelief.

"Damn it... It's taking all I have just to evade them!" Yuno uses his Spirit's Hushed Dance to dodges the raining swords. He keeps moving swiftly to the stream of winds but the numbers of the blades are just too much.

"Vacuum Wall..." The demon chanted until Yuno and Asta were being pulled into the ground by an unknown force. "Be crushed..." The demon chanted another one until a much greater force fell upon them. 

Y/N struggled to move her body which was being controlled without her will. A burning feeling was erupting her from the inside as she fought to stay in control.

"Smashed..." Another chant escapes the demon as their bodies get buried into the ground. The both of them gritted their teeth from the piercing pain all over their bodies. "Broken into pieces...." The wall started to fall apart while the ground started to tremble. "Riddled with holes..." Chunks of rocks fall upon them until they were completely covered by it.

"Asta...Yuno!" Mimosa called worriedly.

"I will not allow anyone to get in my way" The demon chuckles as his crimson eyes glances back at Y/N from the corner of his eyes. 

" Let...Me go...Zagred" The white haired female hissed.

The demon chuckled.

" I see you remember me" he hummed, " Good! Good! It's working then." He hovers his hand over her for a second before frowning. " It seems...You need a push."

" Y/N..."Mimosa whispered with tears pooling in her eyes.

"I can't believe it... You are really a strong-willed one..." The demon chuckled, " Let me tell you a story then."

"Fuck...Off!" Y/N grunted.

"So it starts like this" Zagred ignored her, " Escaping from hell wasn't easy task but of course with my abilities it was enough to push me to the surface. A place where I am the stronger than every living being. Unfortunately, my power was suppressed and dwindled into the little bit I have now."

The demon growled angrily when he rethought back to that time.

" Wondering on the surface without the full extent of my abilities was...Exhausting. So, imagine my joy when I met you" He grinned, " Your body was made of pure mana, you were very thing I was searching for."

Y/N ignored the throbbing of her head as she was forced to listen to the demon tell his life story.

" So imagine the agony I felt when I forced my power in you just for you to disappear!! Poof!!" He blew in her face with crazed eyes.

Y/N closed her eyes and tried to shake off her disgust.

"I thought, that was it. I blew my one chance, " He grinned, " But then, after so many years later. I found you again. Disguising myself I tricked you into coming with me willingly before snatching you up again. I became so frustrated when you disappeared again! Little particles flying away as I swatted them in anger."

Y/N remembered one of her past lives memories of her naively getting into a car with a stranger. 

" I knew you would appear again, I just had to wait. That was until a green light appeared turning the world back into the stone age...I really don't want get into that" He gritted his teeth, " It prolonged your reincarnation and my freedom. One of the worst years of my life to say the least" He scoffed.

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