Chapter Thirty Eight~ The King

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"The Hell?!" Why do you keep doing stuff like that outta nowhere?!"And Y/N why didn't you help me!" Asta complained, Besides, we're not kids anymore! Y/N! Tell him!"

"Nah, too much work" Y/N replied with a yawn. Her nervousness was long gone because of the idiocy of the crowd. She hated people who judged other people because of there background.

"What?! He just tried to kill me in the middle of my big moment!?" Asta stomped his foot like a child.

"If you had died there, then that's all you were worth..." Yuno  stated matter a factly, " Glad you survived..."

"Now that you've seen their powers, if any of you still doubt their achievements, Please come forward.." Julius smiled, " It's true that they are peasants, but they've worked harder than anyone to get here. Proud citizens of the Clover Kingdom. A round of applause for these new Magic Knights!" He requested, " Let us overcome our differences in status, band together and lead our county to victory!" He lifted up his arm.

The crowd started to cheer from the wise words of the Wizard King. One by one they forgot their statues for a while and focused on what was important.

" And now that you are all fired up. I'll announce the remaining rankings!" Julius exclaimed.

Y/N took out her pocky from her pocket and started to eat it. She couldn't bother with the other rankings.

"In third place, The Sliver Eagles! They earned 95 stars!"

Nozel wore his stoic expression when he head the announcement. You couldn't see it but he was disappointing in his ranking.

"In fourth place, The Blue Rose Knights! They warned 83 Stars!"

Charlotte is totally knocked out from being drunk. She had no clue on what was happening.

"In fifth place, The crimson Lion Kings! They earned 76 Stars!"

Mereoleona seemed enraged from the ranking they received. She was determined to make her Squad work harder.

"In sixth place, The green Praying Mantises! They earned 69 Stars!"

Jack the Ripper stood with his usual creepy grin. He really didn't mind his ranking.

"In seventh place, The Coral Peacocks! They earned 67 Stars!"

Dorothy let out soft snores in between her lips. She was too busy sleeping to think much about her ranking.

"In Eight place, The Purple Orcas! They earned 51 Stars!"

Kaiser was playing with his green mustache. Since he was a new Capitan it was understandable that his ranking was low.

"And in ninth place, The Aqua Deer! The earned 49 Stars!"

Rill immediately fell to his knees in shock. He couldn't believe that they were the dead last Magic Knight Squad. He had hoped that he would never make it to last place because the Black Bulls are always last. 

"That concludes the announcement of the Magic Knight Squad Achievements! To all the squads...Please continue all your hard work next year..." The Wizard King ended with a smile.

"W-We're last! How?! Why!?!!" Rill had a horrified expression on his face.

"It's because all you do us draw dumb pictures. You don't have your act together..." Jack cackled at the gloomy Rill.

The youngest Captain wrapped his arms around Asta's waist as he cried about being the Last one.

"Asta! How did you get all those Stars!?" He whined like a child. The ash blond looked up at the white haired female who was just watching the scene with amused eyes.

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