| it's the return of the.. |

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A/n: Konnichi-wassuuuuppp bestie's your favourite grass hoovering writer taru here and ummm WE NEARLY AT 9K READS!! also school is kicking my ass tbh and like I have a massive science test and dear lord it's hell BUT LIKE I'M HEAR FOR YALL 😢 

| author pov 

Albedo woke up to the faint sound of rustling around his room, or so he thought it was his room. Once again he had fallen asleep in the library after reading up on alchemy notes. Sucrose was looking through some books when she accidently awoke the male.

Sucrose: "ahh.. im sorry mister albedo but. Aren't you supposed to be in liyue by now" 

The ashy haired male had quickly gotten up from sitting at the desk to stare at the time. He sighed in his place. For under a lot of pressure, Albedo always remains calm. Luckily all his things were sent to liyue before hand so he didn't worry much. 

Albedo: "sucrose.. you should've woke me up" 

Sucrose: "apologies but I didn't want to disturb you." 

Albedo had put his jacket on and before he was about to leave he was stopped by his assistant holding him by the shoulder. 

Sucrose: "take this, use this when you eat with that adeptus" 

The ashy haired male took the sealed vial in her and and swirled it around, fascinated by the suspicious liquid inside. 

The assistant led albedo out to the main gates of mondstadt where she waved him goodbye. 

Sucrose: "you'll pay for that you emotionless adeptus." 

A long journey awaited albedo. He had been very busy since the irodori festival. As he reached the border he remembered te curse that was placed by xiao. Crap- how was he gonna- 

Albedo: "xiao-" 

The adeptus leaped down from the tree  he was sitting on. 

Xiao: "I thought I warned you." 

Albedo: "I know that but it's important this time I swear." 

Xiao stared the man up and down trying to see for he was doing something wrong. 

Xiao: "how am I supposed to believe that?" 

The ashy haired male handed over an invitation letter. The yaksha scanned the letter and took a deep sigh. 

Xiao: "fine, but after this is over your going back to popsicle land. You hear me?" 

The dark hair male took of his gloves and snatched the others hand, he drew a symbol on the others palm. 

Xiao: "you have 72 hours, if the seal breaks I'll know and I'll kill your personally-" 

The ashy haired male gulps and thanks the yaksha for his service. 

Xiao had returned to the inn where his blonde lover awaited him. 

Aether: "what was that about?" 

Xiao: "don't worry, just some tourists" 

The traveler smiled at the raven hair male and wrapped his arms around his neck. The blonde sat on the bed and pulled xiao on top, making the adeptus straddle the other. 

Aether: "at least I can have some more special time with you ;)" 

The yaksha blushed at the sudden remark but soon met his lips with the blonde to sooth him. 

2 hours had passed since albedo arrived in liyue, he could hear the clock ticking in his head and he knew that time was limited. 

The ashy haired male arrived at the inn and made his way up the stairs, he could hear creeking and faint sounds but thought it was just the stairs. Once reaching the top floor he realised his room was open.. and there were sounds from it. 

Aether heard a figure approaching so he pushed xiao on the floor. 

Albedo: "aether?? What are you-??" 


The ashy haired male looked at the other in suspicion. 


Once again albedo was confused and raised a brow. 

Aether: "not to mention these floor boards are so loud haha!!" 

The male by the door checked the number again realising he made a mistake. 

Albedo: "whoops- I'm sorry wrong room" 

Finally the door was shut. Aether looked at the yaksha as he was breathless and submissive. 

Aether: "I'm so sorry" 

Xiao: "it's fine-" 

The two continued while albedo finally found his room. The ashy haired male still felt something in his heart when he looked at the yaksha but he always shook it off to forget about it seconds later. 

Albedo began work all throughout the night none stop, when he would feel tired he would just slap his cheeks to feel something. But in all honesty the only thing keeping him awake was being near the adeptus. 

The morning had come and aether had walked downstairs after getting ready. The blonde saw the two dining with eachother. 

Aether: "I hope you don't mind me here" 

Albedo: "not at all- but I think xiao didnt get enough sleep" 

The yaksha had his head on the table with an uneaten bowl of almond tofu in front of him. The traveller giggled to himself. 

Aether: "oh well, I'm sure he'll eat when he wakes up" 

Aether went out with Paimon leaving albedo and xiao alone together. He had woken up, he ate well but the silence was uncomfortable for both of them. 

Xiao: "well I'll be leaving" 

Just as he stood up the other male grabbed his wrist. 

Albedo: "as selfish as it seems to ask I'm asking for an extension of my time here, I can't finish my project in the hours left." 

The yaksha raised and eyebrow and then sighed. 

Xiao: "fine, im feeling generous so ill extend your time to the end of the week." 

Albedo thanked him and then went up to his room to continue with his work. 

An hour had gone by and aether returned from his expedition. The traveller went to peak inside of albedos room. The ashy haired male was no where in sight so aether went on and investigated a bit. 

The blonde knocked over a chair that had albedos bag hanging on the side. The bag tipped over and a small vial with liquid rolled out. 

Aether picked it up and stared at it in suspicion. Without thinking, the blonde took the cork of the vial to smell the strange liquid. The scent was sweet and pleasant and had a blissful aroma, the effect that it left was almost arousing. Aether had to be quick so he sealed the vial, picked up the chair and bag, placed the vial back in and left like nothing had happened. 

The traveller spent most of his day hanging out with xiao,  so the liquid he found earlier never really popped into his head, oh well, what's the worse it could do? 



A/n: holy shit.. THAT TOOK SO LONG SMH 😢 anyway I have final exams next week lol and imma fail so maybe no writing but I will write in the holidays so yay!! Hope you enjoyed and see you in the next chapter :^ 

Word count: 1152

♢ to a world without you ♢ | xiao x aether |Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя