| your warm tears |

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A/n: Konnichi-wassuuuuppp bestie's taru your favourite writer 😎 my grammar was so bad in the last one lol rhea read it and here is her reply 😒 

A/n: Konnichi-wassuuuuppp bestie's taru your favourite writer 😎 my grammar was so bad in the last one lol rhea read it and here is her reply 😒 

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"yOu KinDa  sMeLl liKe a bakA~~~~ EREN JEAGER!!" 😭 

Author pov:

Aether watched as the boy slept. He looked so calm and peaceful aether didn't dare move to make a sound.. 

Paimon: "Hey!! Aether let's go!!" 

Aether: "Paimon shush!"

Aether tried to get Paimon to keep quiet to make sure that the boy was still asleep. Paimon had quickly realised this and closed the door behind her. Aether turned around to notice the boy rubbing his eyes and yawning 

****: "oh how the tables have turned.." 

Aethers expression remained shocked as he had never heard his voice before it was raspy much different to his soft voice. 

Aether: "I wasn't staring at you I swear!!" 

****: "mhmm"

The adeptus realised that his mask wasn't on and quickly tried to make his way to the door, the blonde blocked his way. 

Aether: "are you really going to leave without introducing yourself?!"

The adeptus stopped in his tracks. 

****: "we won't be meeting again so there is no point" 

Aether really wanted to know this adeptus.. even if it hates him 

Aether: "please??" 

The boy eventually gave in to aethers pleading 

****: "my name is adeptus xiao.. if death comes knocking at your door, call out my name" 

Aether: "uwaaahh xiao is a pretty name-" 

The adeptus had a blush creep onto his cheeks. 

Xiao: "you know, it isn't nice to ask someone's name and not tell me yours?!" 

The adeptus crossed his arms. 

Aether: "o-oh uhhh sorry I'm aether and uhh- oh she's not here but I usually have this short thing with me called Paimon"

The blonde had responded in embarrassment. 

After their awkward introduction, xiao made his way towards the door. The adeptus didn't want anything to do with aether in all honesty, as he was sure that only bad occurrences would interfere aethers life if he was to talk to xiao longer.

Aether: "are you leaving already!! Not even a thank you.." 

The blonde's head hanged low in dissapointment. Knowing he was going to regret this, the adeptus walked up and gave him a hug and quietly thanked him.

Xiao: "thank you, I won't be needing your assistance in the future."

Before aether could speak his cheeks lit up once again. 

Paimon: "oh ho ho- am I interrupting something!!" 

In the second xiao let go of aether and realised his flustered face. Xiao put his hand up to aethers forehead

Xiao: "are you sick, your face is red and your quite warm." 

Aether: "h-huh no.. i- I uhh I'm okay you should go do your adeptusy things haha.." 

The adeptus figured that he was okay and made his leave closing the door behind him..

| in the evening | 

Xiao sat on the roof of wangshu Inn... 'was that not how the mortals thank eachother..? Why should I care' his thoughts were confusing..

The next day aether had decided to attend the rite of decension. Maybe he could seek the help of rex lapis, after all his sister was still missing.. 

He could make out the leader of the qixing, ningguang. As the people gathered she began the ritual..

A flash beamed from the sky and a dragon fell and crashed on the table. Then ningguang called for the millelith to close the gates. aether and Paimon decided to flee 

Just as the were about to make their way out they were caught. 'Never thought I would be arrested' the blonde boys mind was racing. Just then he could see the soldiers fall before his eyes. 'What a miracle' a ginger haired boy had emerged from behind him. 

This boy introduced himself to aether as childe. He seemed as if he could be trusted until he claimed to be apart of the Fatui. Childe showed them no harm but to inform the adepti in liyue of rex lapis' death. 'Xiao... oh no. Not only does he not want to see me again but he'll be devastated' he reached wangshu Inn in the evening and made his way to meet xiao.

Aether eventually reached the balcony. Lucky for him Paimon already went to sleep so he didn't have to deal with her trying to explain. Yet this also made it more difficult to him. 

Aether: "x-xiao umm.." 

Xiao looked over at him. 

Xiao: "I knew you were sick." 

Aether tried to communicate the best he could. He took a deep breath and told xiao in a serious tone. 

Aether: "xiao.. I'm sorry but.. rex lapis is dead.." 

At first xiao couldn't believe in what aether was saying to him it sounded fake but the more he stared into the blonde's sweet yellow eyes the more he realised that he was telling the truth.. he had always seen rex lapis as a father figure to him. To a liyue without him.. it wasn't what he wanted. 'My karmic debt, was this a consequence.!?!' 

Before he realised xiao's tears were dropping on the wooden floor. His eyes were wide open. He hated to be seen like this more than anything. As he tried to wipe the tears away more just kept replacing them. Aether took his wrist and guided him to his room. There aether sat him down. The blonde hated to see xiao like this so he hugged him. 

Aether: "xiao- let it all out" 

Xiao cried into aethers shoulder.. knowing aether couldn't provide him with any help, right then and there he felt so alone yet aethers warmth soothed him. The adeptus fell asleep and aether sighed and smiled as he placed him down gently on the pillow. 

But then came the big question. Where would he sleep. In the end he had no choice- as he lay there just centimetres away from xiao's face. Aether furiously shut his eyes trying to forget it and hope he wouldn't be lectured by xiao in the morning.. this was going to be a long night....

A/n: THAT TOOK TOO LONG 😭😭😭 also hope yall enjoyed the angst 😢 I'll try get the next part out faster!!

Word count: 1044

♢ to a world without you ♢ | xiao x aether |Where stories live. Discover now