| the days I count without you |

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A/n: Konnichi-wassuuuuppp bestie's your favourite table shitting writer  taru here 😢 jeez we're almost at 200 reads *achievement unlocked* anyway enjoy the angst. 

| author pov |

As xiao awoke he realised.. today was it, the day aether left. He felt nervous and upset he hated to see him leave. The adeptus got up from under the tree he was sitting at and walked over to wangshu Inn to check on the blonde. Yet as he looked aether was no where to be seen. He walked over to the balcony 'did he go somewhere?' 

Aether: "xiao!! There you are" 

The raven hair looked behind him and saw the blonde covered in dust. 

Xiao: "where did you go? You're all covered in dust" 

Aether gave a quick smile and continued to proceed with a different topic. 

Aether: "I ummm- the crux fleet is waiting for me.. I should be on my way.. but can you come with me to liyue harbor?" 

Xiao looked dissapointed but he agreed the the blondes request. They reached liyue harbor and the sight of the crux fleet was huge. 

Aether: "c-could you bow your head down for a second?" 

It was an odd request but the raven hair adeptus didn't mind doing so.  He leaned down and felt something being placed on his head. Xiao lifted his head to see a qixing flower crown. 

Xiao: "so that's what you were doing?! You climbed mountains just for this?" 

It's not that he was ungrateful it's just that he hoped aether wasn't too tired. 

Aether: "a gift from me so.. you won't forget about me..' 

'So I won't forget.. how can I spend a day without thinking about you' Xiao's thoughts were so upsetting he wanted to cry. He went up and hugged aether. 

Xiao: "have a good trip.. be safe-" 

Aether: "goodbye xiao.. see you" 

As the ship was departing xiao felt a guilt in his heart.. something he hated. His throat felt soar as tears welled up in his eyes. 'Crap.. people are gonna see me like this' 

Xiao went back to wangshu Inn. He seemed normal and xiao tried to ignore the fact that aether was gone- and.. it worked.. days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months.. 

It had now been nearly 3 months of aethers absence. Ver goldett noticed how xiao looked different every time she saw him. He had dark circles under his eyes, his hair was messy, face was cold and monotone. One day she decided to stop and talk to him. 

Ver goldett: "uhh xiao!! It's been a while how have you been" 

Xiao: "it's okay I guess as usual save liyue and do other errands"

Ver goldett: "that's good to know! Where you headed then?"

Xiao: "I need to visit bubu pharmacy for some things" 

Ver goldett: "okay see you!!"

Xiao waved back to her and made his way to liyue harbour. Unfortunately quite a few obstacles faced his journey, but he made it in one piece. 

Truth is, xiao hasn't slept in weeks. His body was aching- his wounds untreated. As he reached bubu pharmacy his vision became blurry. As he was about to speak.. 



He fell.

Qiqi had noticed this and went to help him. 5 minutes later zhongli walked in. 

Zhongli: "xiao?"

Zhongli knelt down to the adeptus and put his hand on his forehead. He picked up the adeptus and took him to infirmary at the pharmacy. Xiao had been asleep for over 2 days, one day as he awoke he realised he wasn't somewhere familiar. The yaksha let out put a long sigh before he heard footsteps approaching. 'Uhhh. . Now of all times' it was zhongli. Xiao didn't want to hear it, he turned to the side and held the blanket closer. 

Zhongli: "xiao.." 

Xiao once again didn't acknowledge zhongli's presence. 

Zhongli: "this was all because of him isn't it" 

The raven hair nodded in response. 

Zhongli: "you should tell him how you feel xiao.. he cares for you I can see it." 

Xiao felt denial, betrayal, loneliness.. it all mixed in, he snapped . 

Xiao: "OH YEAH! DO YOU UNDERSTAND.. HE CAN'T EVER HOPE TO BE WITH AN ADEPTUS LIKE ME.. he. he can't. I don't deserve him.."

Tears streaming down his face in embarrassment. Zhongli came to sit next to the crying adeptus and hugged. Him 

Zhongli: "let it all out.. xiao"

Xiao cried in his embrace.. he ended up falling asleep again. 



Aether was coming the next day.. yet xiao didn't know.. all his agonising pain was buidling up. 

| next day 

Xiao had left the pharmacy it was 5pm the streets were busy and the crowds were larger than ever, except for one place.. xiao had gone over to sit by a cliff he looked over the city and it pleased him.. he noticed a familiar sight when he looked to through to the pavilion.. 



Xiao was feeling mixed emotions. Loneliness, neglect and.... 


For who else he had seen with the blonde was chongyun.. xiao gripped his spear tighter.. his envy flooded him- for all he craved and wanted was aether.. months of pain and sorrow lead up to him with someone else..

Chongyun hugged him the blonde waved back and smiled.. the yaksha felt his blood boil. But before his urges get the better of him his hand stopped him. The adeptus mask vanished and he realised what he was thinking. Going back to the inn steadily to regain his thoughts. 

Luckily xiao already knew in which room he was staying.. xiao went up and unlocked the door he lay down on the bed.. the bedsheets had his scent, the raven hair adeptus wrapped the blanket around him.. he felt so close to him- xiao missed him so much.. 

The adeptus fell asleep and awoke again at 9pm due to feeling the blonde's presence near, he had no time to hide so he hid behind the door. 'Shit I'm sorry.. aether' 

A/N: ik this took half my life span to write but like AAAAAAAAAAAAA THERE'S GONNA BE SMUT NEXT CHAPTER SO 

word count: 1023

♢ to a world without you ♢ | xiao x aether |Where stories live. Discover now